CHAPTER 12 - others

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The sound echoed though the now quiet airport. It felt like the entire building was holding there breath "...what was that?" grace wispered to me. I slowly shook my head "no clue...but whatever it is...I think it has something to do with that feeling you had a bit earlyer..."


There it is again. Me, grace and zach huddled together. Wondering what in the world was that sound


The voice shouted for help. People were still lokking around to ware that sound came from. I stand up and start walking to try to find the sorce


A sudden crash and a scream sounded. People started to get perinoid and started to panic. People were running and screaming.

Suddenly, a person ran though the crowd. I think shes the sorce "NO! NONONONONONONONONO!"

I stop her "HOLD YOUR FLIPPING HORCES!" I say to her. The girls brathing rapidly " cant're're the firebird!" she says "i...cant belive how long ive been waiting for you...ARG!" flashes of light scatter around her entire body and she catches on fire. Two giant wings sprout from her back "n...NO! NOT NOW! Hes right here! Hes right here..."

Her entire body morphs into some sort of huge reptilian creature "is that what I think it is?" zach slowly asked.

"'s a dragon" grace said "I don't know why a dragon would be here...they normaly reside on jupiter but..." the girl, now a dragon, shot through the roof of the building into the sky

"folow me Alex. I will be waiting at the place you wish to go"

"oh! And she just think we should follow her? She just wished that..." zach started. I interupt though "theres something wrong with her. I mean I don't know what a dragon can and cant be but I have a feeling that she didn't want to transform...what do you think?" I turn to grace "do we go to Ottowa?"

The police came three minutes after we tried to find a still open plane to Ottowa. We gave up though. The police said that if a plane would be flown, That dragon could take that plane down in the blink of an eye. That could create a hundred deaths if a plane were to crash

Now we were stumped. We didn't know how to get to ottowa without flying. We couldent fly there because of the risk of getting ambushed by Mr. banks. Hes everyware these days "what do you want to do?" zach asks "I like, pass the time? We have to wait untill the airport opens again" grace then smiles "oo! I know!" she reaches into her bag and pulls out a blue ball. She throws it at my face "hey!" I shout. Grace laughs and zach chuckles "heh. A ball" zach says. I take the ball and throw it at zach but I horribly miss. The ball goes flying over his head and into someones hand "oh! Im sorry!" he says "" the man gives the ball back "hey um...mister?" grace asks the man "do you know when the airport opens again?"

The man mumbles something "whats that?" I ask. The man mumbles something to himself, this time I could hear it

"why would a water creture even go into the sky? I don't know. You're a phoenix. You should fly there for all I care..."

I guess the others didn't "um...sir we just want to know when the airport opens..." the man quickly looks up "ah? Oh no I don't know...i thought you would have just died in the asteroid thing with your planet. Does anyone think about uranus? NO!"

"um...grace?" I wisper to her "what creature lives on uranus?" grace raises an eyebrow "why?" she asks "because. Just tell me" I say. Grace sighs "uh...sea serpents mostly. They hate phoenixes. I don't know why though. They seem like a nice race" she explains "why though?"

The man looked like he was about to burst with anger "uh...yeah...good bie" the man quickly walks away. I stop him "I want to ask you one more question" I say. The man keeps walking "sea serpent"

The man stops and slowly turns " finaly a phoenix could rechonise us. Uranus is closest to the sun. why cant we have the cold? BECAUSE YOU GUYS TOOK IT FROM US!" he shouted "I SHOULD KILL YOU ON THE SPOT RIGHT HERE!" I raise my hands up "hey hey! Im not the guy you should be talking that to. Im not from neptune! Im from here!"

The serpent looks at grace "whats your question?" he asks "make it quick"

"how do we get to Ottowa?" zach asks. The serpent looked at zach "the only non phoneix speaks. Well then. No. I don't know how to get to Ottowa without your silly flying tecneque. Why DON'T you fly there?" he asks. Grace thinks for bit "we are being chaced by Mr. banks. We don't want to risk being ambushed by him..." "ok. Then you cant go to Ottowa. And your NOT getting help from ME!" the serpent turns and walks away "hey! Were sorry about whatever we did to you...but I know that your hiding something" I say. The man stops "your hiding a way that we could get to Ottowa. You're a freaking sea serpent! Ive studied you for the last six years with a book on you. You can swim at breakneck speeds in water, some species can fly. But ALL species can tellaport"

The serpent slowly turns around "your name is, I gather, Alex?" He asks. I slowly nod "hm. It's a good name. Now I presume you didn't come from neptune did you?" I shake my head "yeah. Thought so. You told me. Now if you want to go to Ottowa so badly, you'll have to answer me two questions im curious about" the serpent sits down on the brick side walk "first question, why do you want to go to ottowa?"

Zach answers "were being chaced by someone named Mr. Banks. Were thinking if that we could present a non-rasism law to mythical creatures. If we could do that, we could drive Mr. Banks out of his power!"

The serpent nods "second question" he says "why did the phoenix drive us out of our planet?" No one answers, then grace breaks the scilence " save you..." She says "we didn't want your race to die. We can fly, we can drive out massive stones with the power of wind and fire" she explains. The serpent looks surprised "what...? But you drove us out of there six hundred THOUSAND years before the comet hit neptune! How can you explain..." The serpent said. Grace interupts him "we didn't want to look suspicious suddenly barging into your home so suddenly, that's why we went early. 95% of your own species can't fly. 100% of ours CAN. If you were there...all of you...could have died"

"No..." The serpent said "no killed" grace shakes her head "we didn't kill anyone. No deaths whatsoever"

The serpent took a while to calm down after he found out about the truth. He thought it was stupid but he understood "ok then" he says, getting up "which one is ottowa again?"

Were suddenly in front of a huge map "its that one" I point at the provence named Ottowa. The sepent zooms in on the provence "ok, where do you want me to put you?" grace points at the lowest part of ottowa "I think the parliaments over here"

The veiw is zoomed in even more "ok so you want to go to the parliament? Do you want to be, like, right INFRONT of the building?" zach shakes his head "no that would create to much chaos if we suddenly apeared in the middle of a plaza. Put us, I don't know, in a more non-populated area" he says. The serpent then zooms out a bit "ok...I see some sort of foresty area over here. Dosent seem to populated. Do you want to be here?" we all shake our head at the same time "ill take that as a yes. Ooooook prepairing the multiple tellaportation. You know ive never done this before. I hope I don't mess this up..."

A bright light shines in our eyes. I had to close them "holy crap what the hell?" I hear zach say. He says something else but it becomes blurred. So does graces voice. Soon im in a white abyss with total scilence. I look around as my eyes soon became non-blinded. I was in a forest. I look around a bit more to find out something

I was alone

Her name was grace (book 1 of "flight of fire")Where stories live. Discover now