CHAPTER 7 - moonlight way

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The walk wasn't long. We stayed in a hotel for a day. tried to get some more sleep. Though we woke up at around 3:40 in the morning and left at around 4. The factory was a few blocks to the north of snowcap hights. Ceasar was really jumpy from the train insadent "man its ok. All we need to do is see what this dept is and get out of this place" I say to the slightly worried ceasar "whatever the dept is..."

Soon we came across a street with no cars. The moon was shining down onto the street, illuminating the already lit by the street lights street.

A sign on a pole read "moonlight way"

When I looked down the road again, I saw a figure aproching us. I took a step back when I saw that it was zach. He looked rugged "...please...give...give me the...the egg...please...I beg of you...I mean harm...please..." he slowly said. I was confused as he fell to his knees "I beg of you...I need that's the only way i...that my...only hope in the saved..." "zach?" ceasar asked " ok or something?"

"please...please..." zach repeats. I take anouther step back "i...please...I hope back...please...I didn't want this anyway...I don't want to hurt you..." this is seriously creeping me out "just give me the can go back to your house...I wont give away anything...they betrayed me...they said...they said I could become famous..."

I bend down "...what is your dept zach?"

" have no dept...they want me to have a dept...but I don't...I gave them my took them away...they held them hostige behind the scene...they were going to shoot them...they said that if I gave them something...something of imesurable luxury...then thell let them go...we can be happy without any worries. I have no dept...they betrayed me..."

"...whos them? And whos they?" ceasar asks. Tears well up in zachs eyes " the CEO of the smokeing gear...and his henchmen... my family...the smokeing gear kidnapped my family when I didn't see...they left a note on the fridge saying they went on a vacation...I shruged it off...these things happen a lot...but when they showed my daughter...tied up...blind folded...a gun point to both forheads...they said that I had to bring the companey something of large luxury...then my family could be let I beg of family will be shot if you don't give me that egg...I'm not lieing...please Ill prove it to my mind...phoenixes can do that right?...isnt that right?..."

A sudden spark flashes infront of me. Pictures wiz through my head.

There was a picture of a woman and a girl...There was a man...there was a note...

There was a gun

This gun was pointed at the woman and the girls head. They were, as stated, blindfolded, tied up and at gun point. It was sickening "do you...belive me now?" zach said. It sickened me to think that his family actualy was taken hostige.

But if I turn in grace...then grace will be torchered...what do I do?...

Zach raises a hand, the egg In my hands starts to quake "I can make her hatch again...I can make everything back to normal...I don't have to do that though...ive tried to kill you multiple times now...I don't need family..."

I shake my head "don't let it hatch zach" I say "leave it be" zach looks up at me "but..."

"No buts. Don't let it hatch" zack slowly lowers his hand and the egg stops shaking. Zach looks at me with confused eyes "then...what will you do?" Zach asks me. I smile "were going to save your family zach" I say "without giving the egg to the factory" I say comfadently. Zack tilts his head "" I chuckle

"By chacing down the CEO, make him pay for what hes done, arrest him, relax. All in a days work you know?"

We strom through the front gate. Theres a stariotypical reseption woman at a desk at the front of this new room "hello! How can I hel you three?" She says. Zach comes forward "we would like to see samuel banks. The CEO here" he says. The reseption just looks at him "sir...the ceo is in a meeting today. You cant..."

"He isnt in a meeting. I know his times. Wednesdays, Fridays, and Mondays, its tuseday today" the reseption looked taken back "how do you know thede numbers?" She asks. Zach only chuckles "I work here. Now gide us to the ceo of this wreched place that is the smoking gear. What do you make here? Aids? Im not so surprised then, this place is nothing but a house of broken dreams. I wanted to have a normal job here but instead I get into this problem" he says "so wares the ceo?"

"...floor 37...strait ahead..."

Her name was grace (book 1 of "flight of fire")Where stories live. Discover now