CHAPTER 6 - the roof of the train

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The train station was held up near the ocean. Ceasar and I walked up to it "I've never heard of this one before...when was it built?" I ask. Ceasar shrugs "I don't know. I think it's pretty new" he says.

Tickets cost a grand total of 67 dollars per person. Luckily I had 200 dollars in my pocket. I smiled as I pulled out four fifties. We go the tickets and we got onto the train.

The train wasn't luxurious, though it did have our own cabins. Ceasar squealed "oh my god I always WANTED MY OWN CABIN!" he shouts "with YOU!" he throws his hands to me. I smile a bit to. I never had an actual cabin without my parents watching over me. I put down my backpack and flop onto the bottom bunk. Ceasar got the top one. It was about noon when the train pulled off from the station. Ceasar was at the window the whole time " you know how long it's been since I was on a train?" Ceasar asks. I shrug "I don't know. Maybe a long time?" Ceasar slowly nods to my answer.

There's a display over my bed, it shows the position of the train and the destination. It says two days. That should be good. I get out of my bunk and walk toward the door "I'm going to get some lunch. Do you want anything?" I ask. Ceasar shakes his head "no. not hungry" he says

I got a normal ham and cheese sandwich. It was wrapped in plastic wrap, I unfurled it and took a bite out of it. It was pretty good.

When I went back to the cabin, Ceasar was playing with his thumbs. He had this worried expression "hey Alex?" he asks "I feel...a know...a feel a bad omen come on" I raise an eye brow "why is that?" I ask

"Well...I feel someone else on board this train is trying to get us...trying to stop us from getting to our destination...I don't know who it is might be Zach but I don't really know though..." I nod at his answer "I had a feeling this would be to easy...I mean this sounds like it would be on a movie" I say. Ceasar chuckles and puts his hands out in a square in front of us "two guys on an adventure to save the world from the secrets of the fire bird" he says. He laughs "yeah this should totally be, like, documented or something. actually no. we're trying to keep a secret...not give it away. Or maybe..." he drifts off in thought. I go explore the train

Suddenly it's already 8:00 PM

I head back to my cabin, Ceasar is in his top bunk doing something on his phone. I flop down on my bed and look out the window provided "do you think that grace is ok?" I ask Ceasar. I hear a chuckle "well...I don't know. We don't know until we get there don't we?"

We would be heading into the mountains overnight. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep

I'm suddenly jolted awake. The train was quiet. I look at my clock. It showed 1:46 AM. I look out of the window to see the most fascinating sight.

The Milky Way

The huge cluster of stars forming into the galaxy that we've been in for millions of years shown down on the train. I smile. The moon shone some more light to show the mountains that we were traveling through

Then I suddenly get worried. It was sudden, but something was off.

I look toward Ceasar. He's sound asleep. I look toward the door out of the cabin and speed walk out of the cabin. Something's up. The train was empty. I walked through the café car and see someone sitting on the stools.


"Alex" he says, turning around "glad you came. For a second I thought I would have to wait until morning" he takes out some red vial "do you know what this is?"

I back away " did you..." "That isn't important. I asked you a question. Do you know what this is?"

I shake my head "it's a vial of your blood. I took it while you were fast asleep. Blood holds a massive amount of DNA. Now since you' know...special. This blood has the power to make anyone have enough power to overthrow a phoenix" he jabs the vial into his arm "to even the fight"

Her name was grace (book 1 of "flight of fire")Where stories live. Discover now