CHAPTER 3 - curse of the flames

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My eyes slowly open to a light shining in my face "u...ugh...w...where..." I slowly say. I look around and see grace, sitting on the chair smiling. The school nurse was tending me.

The phoenix then popped into my head again when I saw grace.

I scream at the top of my lungs and fall off the other end of the bed. I quickly get up, still hiding behind the bed. Grace laughs "get up Alex. You're embarrassing me. People found you passed out of the concrete outside of the school, I was worried!" she says "are you ok?" "HABOBAHA!" I manage to say "YOUR...YOU...YOUR TH...THAT..." I couldn't say it. I really tried "your...your...UGH I..." grace laughs again "come on. Your better now. Let's get back to class" the phoenix almost glitches to replace her. I flinched, scared again. I don't want to see that again.

But at the same time, I want to see that again "" something was holding me back, I couldn't say it. Grace chuckles "its ok. I let you speak" she waves a hand and the words fall out of my mouth "YOU WERE THE FAKING PHOENIX!" I shout. Grace smiles "no. that wasn't me" she says "that was my father. I think I'm way better at flying then him. He's always teaching me 'oh gracy. Never go to human schools! They'll KILL YOU!' but I think otherwise. You wouldn't kill me right?" I...uh... "Thought so. It's third period. We should probably go to math" she starts running but I stop her " more thing" I say. She turns around " do you know my name? I never told you mine...I mean I know your name with your coat but...." "I know everyone's name. Its fascinated me for thousands of years on how humans work, dream, create, also your backpack has you name on it. Alex Zatacha. It's a nice name"

She runs off. I sigh

The school hallways are empty. Due to it being class time. I actually don't have math, I have a free block. Meaning I can do whatever I please for an hour and a few. I turn and bump into someone "OH IM SO SORRY!" I suddenly say. It's a grown man "uh...I'm sorry?" no answer. He just grunts after being quiet for ten seconds. Then walks off

That's graces father

Those words popped into my head. I don't know why though. Then I decided to speak up "um...if you're looking for grace...she's in math right now..." the man stops after I say that. His large brown trench coat slightly fluttering in the draft " do you know this?" he says

I'm confused. How do I know what "how do you know I'm her father?" he turns around to his bright blue eyes

"That was my father. I think I'm way better at flying then him. He's always teaching me 'oh gracy. Never go to human schools! They'll KILL YOU!'

"Oh caramel" I think to my self

"She...told you didn't her? About the one thing that I told her to..." he was walking toward me "DIDN'T SHE?!"

He's a flipping phoenix Alex. He can kill you with a flick of his hand. He's pressing you about how she told her secret that her dad wanted kept. What do you do?

Tell the truth


"...yes...yes...yes she told me..." I closed my eyes. I waited for something to happen. I heard movement. He whispered in my ear, enough to creep me out "and one more question human" he says "where is grace?"

Ok now what do I do? Do I tell the truth?

"You know what I want to tell him? That I want to stay here"

"She's in math class. Second door on your left, down that hallway"

I felt bad by doing it but that's what grace said. She wanted to say to her father that she wants to stay here. I hope I'm doing a favor...

Her name was grace (book 1 of "flight of fire")Where stories live. Discover now