CHAPTER 11 - quebec street fire

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Zach was silently weeping the entire trip to the mainland. I couldent blame him. His family just got shot and graces father (speaking of grace, she is flying under my wing, shen now probebly as big as a twelve year old) was just, probebly, killed in an explosion. I wanted to avenge grace and zack by getting back on one monster of a guy. Mr. banks.

We found out that we were in the atlantic ocian the entire time. Meaning that if I were to go west, I would end up someware in Newfoundland or Quebec. Or maybe the eastern side of the US. I don't really know yet.

In the end we ended up to be in quebec. the place were, sopposedly, theres a lot of french people here. Ive never been to quebec before. I think its fine. I was able to disguise myslef as a normal human. To liven the sperits, zach buys a sticker and stamps it on me that says "I only speak english!" I was able to get a few laughs out of it in my group.

Grace can now talk normaly. She said that shell be in proper form in two days. That made me happy.

To hide grace from the eyes of the humans, I hid her under my coat. It was a bit cold so the coat was a win-win (I saw other people waring coats. Since I don't really feel coldness anymore, I just went along with the crowd)

"hey! You!" I suddenly hear "come over here for a little..." I quickly refused "for the love of god get over here! I know where you can hide!" I turn to him and wispered "answer this question" I say "what am i?"

The man looks away for a little bit "a phoenix, a firebird, a beast" that convinced me enough. I come inside and zach follows me in to "ok so whats this all about?" zach asks. The man bows "the names Xavier, Charles Xavier. Im part of the PRLA. Or I like to call it the perla. The phoenix rights and laws agency" I raise an eyebrow "rights and laws? Whats that soppose to mean?" I ask. The man chuckles "it's a revilution Alex. Ive gathered a total of ten others who are rooting for you. These ten people want to surpress a law to the government but, obviously, we don't have the power to do this. If we can get as many people on our side, we can show the people of the world that phoenixes can live with us without fighting! Im serious, half. If not three quarters, of the world hates you. And yes, your secrets out. You're the phoenix. But people don't know what you look like not yet. Not as a human they don't. so if you could join us..." he puts his hands behind his back "we could drive back Mr. banks if you want. Ive heard about the family with you" gestures to zach "and the father with you" gestures to grace "I want to help you guys. I really do. But its your choice...I am just a random guy who says he wants to help you..." charles chuckles "I mean...who would want to do that? This is like the 20th century again...with the rasism and all..." the entire time hes talking, im thinking, about how much power I can have if I can drive Mr. banks off. We could have a law "so do you accept? Do you?"

Grace looks at me and raises her hand "I would like to!" she says "I want to get that horrible person..." zack looks at me "I don't care. Its your choice really" he says to me. I nod "I think it's a good idea. I mean, theres probebly no one else in the world who wants to drive someone with so much power lets do this!"

We stroll off out of the tavern we were lead to and were back in the buisy streets of quebec. I didn't know what city I was in yet but I knew I was someware in quebec. Ot atleast, zack knew "here ye here ye!" I hear someone shout "praise the almighty firebird among us! He will bring wealth and prosperity to the land!" There was a gathering at the plaza near us, it was a man with a torch "the firebird will punish the naysayers of the beuty of the phoenix! So do not worry! The firebird is not harmful!" People were throwing cabbage at the man. Booing. The man, though, didn't give up "the bird will punnish you! And you! And you to! All of you! AHAHAHAHA!" A tomato hit him square in the face and the man falls off the stand. We run to the man and hes mumbling to himself "uh...what do we do with him?" Zach asks "do him something?" I think about it

Then I have an idea. My hand flares with light and I slap him across the cheek "woah what was that?" Zack asks. Grace looked uncomfortable (shes now just as tall as me. She was a bit, but not much, taller then me when she was normal) "I fired him" I say plainly. Grace looks more uncomfortable "why'd you fire him?! He deserved nothing of the sorts!" Grace said. I shake my head "grace everyone here deserves to be fired. Im firing him because he should know what it feels like. Hes all ranting and raving that were peaceful so I gave him the gift!" I say to grace, zach is trying to get our attention "uh guys? What does firing mean? If it doesent mean being evicted from a job position?" Me and grace sigh "it's a tecneque that phoenixes do to punish others. It can also be used to transform a human into part phoenix" me and grace say at the same time. Zach raises his eyebrows "uh...ok" he says "whatever floats your boats" me and grace face eachother again "please explain to me and zach why you fired him" grace says. I nod "he was, you could say, blesed! By the one who he praised!" I look at the man, knocked out on the ground "imagine the look on his face to find himself flying through the air as a bird of fire!" grace looks to the ground like she consitered that but is still trying to bring up a good point "I just don't want you firing everyone in the world k?" I chuckle "yes ma'am"

The man woke up after our conversation. He looked vary dazed "where...who are...what..." he sputters "firebird? Is that you? Are you...are you here to collect my soul?" I rase an eyebrow " no im not"

"does that mean you ARE the firebird?" I quickly think up something "lets just leave it off like that ok? Now tell me how to get to Ottawa" I say. The man rolls on his side "uh...I don't know...but you can fly there right? Wouldent it take..." he pauses "wouldent it take...oh you could take the plane..." he finishes. The man falls asleep soundly. Zach chuckles " train atleast. Is plane alright with you two?" he says putting his arm on each of our sholders. We shake them off "I guess...why, did you have an insadent on a train? And wernt you the one who tried to KIDDNAP ME?!" grace shouted/asks. I shrug "yeah with ceasar. Zach, before we found out about his family..." zach suddenly got distant. He started to fiddle with his thumbs "uh...oh yeah...I don't know if you were, like, old enough to prosses this but zachs family was killed by Mr. banks. Now hes trying all that he can to avenge his family" I say. Grace looks sympathetic "oh im so sorry..." she says. Zach shakes his head "its all in the past. But I sware to god I will kill him myself if he dosent drown in his own greed...I could stab him in the chest with a spear...I could rip his heart out with my power...I could decapitate him...I could...I could..." he starts to well up with tears "i...i...could..." he drops to his knees "my own own wife...killed by a shotgun..." he starts crying his eyes out "I WILL KILL HIM!!!"

It took a while to calm him from his crying. It took a few posters and a homeless guys tarp to calm him down. In that I mean that the posters and the tarp was burned to crisp by his force. The homeless guy was a bit angry but a bit drunk so he collapsed onto the ground.

The plane that the other man told us about was an airport a ten minute walk from here. Zach was able to calm down, if fact, he seemed kind of cheery "ive never been on a plane before...whats it like?" grace asked me. I shrugged, not really knowing what to say "uh...kind of like a big flying machene that carries someone from here to a far away place. Like Ottowa for example" I answer. Grace nods "ok...seems simple enough..."

"I don't like this..." grace said, sitting in the entry lobby "Im getting a bad omen...I mean its not that im afraid of this flying machene but I have a feeling somethings going to go wrong..." "its ok grace...well be prepaired. I mean, sure...Mr. banks dissapeared when zach freaked out at the helicopter but..."


Her name was grace (book 1 of "flight of fire")Where stories live. Discover now