CHAPTER 14 - gliding

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"wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" I then hear "come on Alex wake up. You're alive"

My eyes slowly open to a pair of blue eyes "you've been sleeping for hours! Why cant you wake up some time?"

I feel my head In panic. Theres a scarr where I belive the bullet went in "after doctors did surgery on you to get the bullet out. Your gash quickly closed up. Like, wolverine kind of healing" that statement kind of freaked me out. I imagined a red hole in my head suddenly closing up...if freaked me out...

"your back in vancouver. Your house is comfortable. We found ceasar again, informed him on what happened. He said that he got a phone call a few weeks ago. Something about the government wanting to know where you are" I quicky sit up "the government?!" I shout "why would the GOVERNMENT call CEASAR?!"

Grace shrugs "I didn't belive it eather really...there still on hold if you want to talk to him or something like that..." I rocket out of my bed to the phone "this one?!" I shout as I point to the phone. Grace nods, I quickly pick it up and press the green button "hello? This is Alex..."

"...hello Alex" I hear from the othre end of the phone "its been a long time since I wanted to talk to you..."

"and...who is this?"

"...a friend. That's all...I want to talk to you in person in ottowa. You went to space didn't you? Are phoneix's immortal? You did survive the vaccum of do diserve some rechonition. My body guards will pick you up in five. You will se a limo. But please...don't try to refuse my offer"

"you didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"what did your little birdy say?" the other end hangs up. I slam the phone onto the holster "god DAMMIT! Who was that?" I ask grace. She fidgets around "uh...he said something like ian...also he said he was 'with the government'. Do you know someone named ian? Maybe like...I don't know...I don't think hes like...the ACTUAL government...I thought the governments name was like...greg or something like that..." gregor robertson. The prime minister or canada. I always see him on TV giving a speech. Speaking of that, the TV was on in the room I was in. it was greg, giving a speech about whats up "I belive that we have come to a halt in our human kind. A speed bump that dosent let us cruse over it. Alex Zatacha, the phoenix that saved the parliament from the vaccum of space. I will be speaking with him later today to get some answers from him. If he shows any suspition of distroying canada, we will inprision every phoenix we could find. Enslave them if we have to. We know that a phoenix seems to be immortal and canot be killed so we will do our best to see what they are up to. That is my speech" cameras flash and reporters stand up and say a million things that I cant understand. My doorbell rings and then a knock "ok Alex. Your big time is here. youll be speaking with the highest of the high about this. Ill keep in contact if you need me. But no pressure!"

I answer the door and it's a man in a dark suit "is this Alex Zatacha?" he says. I take a deep breath, then nod "yes, that's me" I say. The man looks at me from over his bad-assory of his CSI sunglasses "I would have presumed that you would be a bit more aged. But anyway, please follow me into the car"

I step out of the comfortability of my house and into the car. The black, sleek car was a limo. A really big one to "ok so heres the deal" the man says after we get into the car. He takes off his sunglasses to his brown eyes underneath "were going to take you to the airport. We will be flying over to ottowa. When we get there. You will be speaking directly to the prime minister. I wont be there, no one exept for you and him. If you show any suspition of any kind of threat to our nation, the prime minister can kill you with a flick of his fingers. Do I make myself clear?" I gulp "cristal..." I say

We get to the airport in five minutes flat. Im escorted to the airport. Inside, theres a million people with cameras. Im taken back but the sudden berage of questions "just ignore them, they mean nothing to you" the man said. im starting to feel comfortable around him. At least hes the one person in this entire freaking place with sanity of not shoving and wanting answers to a question.

Theres police guards that try to hold back a walkway so I could walk though "don't get too overwelmed...I deal with this stuff every second day"

After some more flashes and cameras, I was able to get onto the huge jumbo jet. The entire trip was vary luxurious. I look out the window to the wide expance of the blanket of clouds.

Suddenly I see a black dot heading this way "hey...whats that?" I ask. The man who was in charge of me looked out the window "all I see is clouds...what are you talking about?" he says. I point out of the window "that black dot! Its heading this way!"

The man looks out of the window again "that small thing?...i cant identafy it off the top of my head...what do you think it is?"

I see something being vigorusly beating upward and downward. Wings kept it up. Only one word came out of my mouth


The entire plane shakes and an alarm goes off "HOLY JESUS CHRIST! ALEX YOU STAY HERE!"

The man runs off into the plane. I looked out the window and the black dot is now bigger. I could now see what it is. It was defenetly a dragon. But why?

I stand up to the plane shaking again. I fall to the ground "Alex!" I hear the man shout "are you ok?! We need to evacuate this plane...these things are trying to burn us to the ground!"

I don't know what went though my head but it did "then fight fire with fire! Ill go out there and fight them!" I shout. The man looks dumbfounded "but Alex you cant go out there! I know you can fight but theres three of them! You cant fight three!" "THEY CANT FIGHT ONE!" I shout and I run the other way. I hear the man calling for me but I ignore him. I open the latch "THIS IS FOR MY REPUTAION! FOR THE PRIME MINISTER!"'

I jump out of the plane and transform into the phoenix I was. I could see the man with his jaw totally dropped at the latch door. The planes roof was damaged by the flying lizards. I screech at them. The three look up in surprised. One of them quickly flyes off. One trys to come at me but fails and drops into the ocian. The finnal one launches up into the air and roars, taunting me to fight. I laugh as I fly up as well.

The dragon trys to ambush me but I quickly dodge. The dragon seemed to have more of an advantige over me, due to me only having feathers and not scaley armor that he has. Or is it a she? I didn't really know

In all serious now, the battle wasn't going well. The dragon seemed to have more experience in battling then me. I wasn't to surprised about this factor though.

The dragon blew fire onto me. I didn't really care about this untill it lunged out of the fire into me. Im launched back, devoid of my power. Im weak, vary weak.

Go low. Get above the ocian. Ill take care of him...

The thought was projected into my head from an outer sorce. It confused me but I disided to go along with it. I go into a dive below the clouds and the dragon trys to attack me with the same tecneque but I was ready for it

Come on...stop moving...

I could see something below the ocian serface that was following our movement. I stop and the dragon stops. The thing underwater suddenly lashes back into the ocian and turns around again. The thing suddenly launches out of the water and snapps the dragon into its jaws with a huge growl

Aaaahhhh.....that tasted good

The serpent fell back into the water

Thanks man...I was really hungry...


Her name was grace (book 1 of "flight of fire")Where stories live. Discover now