Chapter 1 - Divorce

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Me, my best friend Shirley, my soon to be ex-husband Varun

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Me, my best friend Shirley, my soon to be ex-husband Varun. We all gathered at the coffee shop, waiting for my lawyer. Ten minutes had passed. Suddenly my phone vibrated. It was a message from my lawyer. She texted she might be late.

Today's the day I'm getting divorced after two years of a crappy marriage. Happy divorce day to me, I guess.

Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. My marriage wasn't anything special and neither is this divorce. They're just words in my book. I should have ended it sooner, but work always got in the way.

It's strange I never really thought about getting a divorce until recently. It was a sudden realization that took me by surprise. And even more surprising was how easily my husband agreed to it. maybe he was waiting for me to bring it up. If only he had told me earlier, things might have been different.

"I swear to god, Aditi. I'm this close to punching him," Shirley huffed, squinting her eyes and shooting daggers at my soon to be ex husband, Varun.

He sat across from us, glued to his phone like we didn't even exist

"What an idiot, such a stupid monkey, donkey. I'm so over him and his annoying behavior. He needs a reality check," she muttered, biting her lip.

I don't even know why she gets so mad whenever she sees him or hears his name. Sometimes there's a reason, and sometimes there isn't.

"shhh...keep your voice down, Shirley" I whispered.

"Relax, he's wearing AirPods. He won't hear me." She scoffed. "It's so freaking rude that he didn't even bother to say hi or even look at us when he arrived not even to you, his so-called wife!"

"Just leave him be, babe. It's really not that important," I urged, squeezing her hand.

"Fine, have it your way. But let's face it you're just as idiot as he is. Both of you seriously need to get your heads examined after this"

I smacked my forehead.

"Wait, how about we leave now and do this another time?"

Is she serious?

I can't believe I brought her with me. Tape, tape, tape... I need to find some tape to shut her up. Can't handle another minute of her ranting. This is going to be pure torture.

"Look at how far you've come! I don't like anything you're doing not even the tiniest bit." she mumbled, slumping her shoulders.

"Will you support my decision or not?"

"Nope, no way! Even if I manage to forget all of this one day, forgiveness? Absolutely out of the question girlfriend," she declared crossing her arms over her chest.

"And please, don't go around blabbing about why you're divorcing... It's better if it stays just between us. What's the point, anyway? You won't even mention the divorce to anyone not even your family. Only the four of us will be aware of it. But mark my words, Aditi your actions will hurt everyone when they find out. They'll be just as disappointed as I am."

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