Chapter 4 - Girls day

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I was on the 6th floor in the network department with the team

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I was on the 6th floor in the network department with the team. Hours ago, we got a call from our America company. They told us someone had hacked into their servers. So now, we're all on high alert making sure this cyber attack doesn't mess with our own systems too.

"Excuse me, ma'am," my PA, Inaya hurriedly approached me. "I thought you should know that Santhosh sir is back. He's in your office, waiting for you."

At last! I can't believe it took him so long to remember that he works here!

Santhosh. Santhosh Khan is my co CEO and friend of mine. We were actually classmates back in college in America. Although he was born in Mumbai he grew up in America from a young age. Santhosh has this carefree, happy go lucky vibe but he's also got that whole spoiled rich kid thing going on with his wealthy family background and all.

Despite all that privilege he's been pretty dependable when it comes to supporting me, especially with finances.

But lately things have changed. He's changed. He's got his own goals and rules now. He's always out having fun.

To top it off, my BFF Shirley thinks he's got a thing for me, like he's romantically interested in me. Girl, I think she might be overthinking it. He's probably just being his usual playful self and messing with me.

I gave Inaya a heads up to keep me posted and then headed towards my office on the 10th floor. When I walked in, I found Santhosh sitting in my chair, chatting with my baby Wi, my hologram AI assistant.

"Mother," Wi floated towards me when she saw me.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the sunshine herself gracing me with her presence," Santhosh exclaimed, spinning my pen between his fingers. "You rushed over the moment you heard I was back, huh?"

"Could you please stop singing for a moment while I take care of something...thanks," I replied as I turned my attention to Wi.

"Wi, we're doing a small network checkup, which means I'll need to turn you off for around an hour. But don't worry, I'll have you up and running in no time!" I walked towards the table and turned off the device. There you go, Wi. You're deactivated for now.

"Is this network checkup a sly strategy to spend some private moments together?" Santhosh asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. Here we go again. He and his lame games.

"You know, I was just talking to your Wi and she told me all the juicy details about what happened here while I was gone. And guess what else she told me?" He continued, leaning in closer, casually resting his hand on the table. Oh my gosh, what crazy story will he make up now?

"She said you can't get me out of your head, ha? No matter where you look, you're always spotting me and you never miss a chance to bring me up in every single conversation you have, no matter who you're talking to. I must say I'm flattered, queen.."

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