Chapter 3 - Varun's world

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I was sleeping on the cushion with one leg hanging off the edge

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I was sleeping on the cushion with one leg hanging off the edge. Sunlight sneaked in through the window, kissing my face. Bet I forgot to close the curtains. Did it bother me? Nah, I kept sleeping.

Just when I thought nothing could wake me up, my phone went off like damn siren.

"Ugh," I groaned.

Don't get me wrong, I really love this ringtone. it’s my recent favourite but not when it wakes me up.

I buried my face into the pillow, groaning even louder this time. Phone was still ringing and it was starting to piss me off. No idea who the heck was calling but whoever it was they were asking for a death wish.

I shifted my body slightly, reaching out for the phone on the nearby table. After fumbling around for a few seconds, I finally found it and tossed it across the room as hard as I could.

Finally, some peace and quiet. I let out a sigh of relief and slowly drifted back to sleep. But then something hit me.

Uh oh , did I just toss my own phone away? Ah, crap.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my phone from the floor.

"Well done, Varun," I mutter to myself. "This is the fifth time you've broken your phone."

This time it wasn't just a small crack. I threw it so hard that it hit the wall and now it was all messed up.

Looks like it's time for a new one.

I have a history of throwing stuff when I'm angry. From phones to laptops, even pots and pans, TV remotes and books. No wonder my grades suffered. One of these days, I might just lose my mind and toss someone like that. Can't say who that unlucky person might be.

After brushing my teeth, I grabbed my AirPods and headed to the gym in my car.

"Hey, dude" the gym master came up to me while I was tying my shoes.

“Check out those kids over there. I don't know why they come here. All they do is make reels and leave."

I looked over and saw two guys and two girls giggling and recording Instagram reels. Yeah I know them. They come here everyday.

"Okay, what do you want me to do about it?"

"I have no idea, man. I'm so stuck. I can't force them to leave. But this isn't a playground and it's not my responsibility to look after them," he said, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.

"Look at them now, doing the walk of fame here.. Turning the gym into some fashion show," he cringed, shaking his head. "Do you think you could talk to them?"

"Why me, though? Isn't that your job?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"To be honest, I heard they're not your biggest fans," he replied scratching the back of his head.

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