Chapter 2 - Aditi's world

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I was sleeping in my bed peacefully

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I was sleeping in my bed peacefully. Then all of a sudden, alarm rang and one of my favourite Tamil song started playing in my room. Normally, I'd jump right out of bed but not this time.

I cuddled my pillow tighter and decided to stay in bed until the song was over.

When it comes to mornings there are three things I love doing.. First up, I just love waking up to the music every day. I might not be like, super obsessed with music but there's something so nice about starting your day like this.

Second, I just love going for my morning run! I live near the beach so I always head out for a jog along the beach road. The salty breeze, the gentle sound of the waves crashing.

Back in the day, I used to go jogging with my dad. Believe it or not even my mom joined us a few times! It was hard to convince her because she usually wear sarees and felt shy in other clothes.

My brother is the laziest person I know. t's like banging my head against a wall when it comes to my brother and his lazy habits. No matter how much dad and I try to motivate him, he won't wake up early. I've tried telling him countless times that being healthy and fit is important. I mean if you don't take care of yourself who knows what could happen? you might end up facing some health issues or a heart attack at a young age.

But he always has some excuse, saying even if you follow all the advice in the world, you could still end up having a heart attack.

I guess he's kinda got a point. But it's not going to stop me. Gotta keep my figure slim and healthy.

Lastly, there's my love for coffee especially after my morning jog. The smell alone is enough to make me faint and taste? Pure heaven! To me, starting the day without coffee is like cooking without any ingredients.

"Wi, where are you? Turn off the music. I'm up," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and sitting up with my legs crossed. I took off my eye mask.

As the song stopped, the room got brighter as the smart lights turned on and the temperature dropped down.

Yep, I live in a smart house.

"Morning, Mother. How was your sleep last night?" Wi floated over to me as I swung my legs off the bed.

"Oh, wi. I slept like a baby as usual," I said with a smile, pulling my hair back into a bun..

Wi is my holographic AI assistant. A lifelike image I created and named Kiwi 1101. But I call her Wi and she calls me Mother. At first, her calling me that felt strange, surreal even. I've never had kids or felt motherly but somehow, I see her as my child like a daughter born from my brain.

Wi looks like a cute cartoon version of me and sounds almost like me too.

She's kind of like a ghost or guardian angel made of light! Imagine a three dimensional image of a person floating in front of you, like something out of a movie. You can chat with her, ask her anything and she'll respond just like a real person would. She's basically your personal assistant but in hologram form!

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