Home Part 2

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So it turned out that I'm a victim of the disappearance in Aviation or planes.... My mom has been waiting for me for around 20 years. My girlfriend was with me too, but she unfortunately died.... It broke my heart.

The day when I disappeared, Mom was 51. Wonder how my relatives are doing.... Though it relieves my heart when Mom said that they're healthy and fine, even my grandma, which should be around 90s?

Somehow, I survived. Don't know how....

I kinda forgot my pouch was dangling on my hand, so I took something out. My wallet is still secured.... But why is it full of piles of cash?

Wait, since when did I have this fancy folding phone??? Did Mom give these....? And there's a metal piece too....?

This is some kind of scrunch hair with that red scheme.... It shapes a feather....

Looks familiar....

Suddenly, my head is like something trying to remind me of this item.

"Let's go hunting, Y/N!"
"How do I look, Y/N?"
"You're my light, Y/N..."

More about that gray haired girl!!! Who is she?!!
Ahh!!!! I remember now!!!!!

My eyes widen, and I know everything now....


I sighed, wondering how she's doing there.... Hopefully, she's doing fine....

I went back to sleep after that....


I went outside after laying low for some days, to accompany my mom. My relatives will be here later.

Still holding the scrunch hair.... Looking up at the light blue sky.... Reminds me of her....


"Eh?" I saw something sparkling?

Suddenly, a big sword strikes at me, and I'm shocked! Raised my hand to defend, But somehow, it landed on my hand safely.


"Whooaaa, watch it!! Huh, Senti?!" It's Senti?!!! But how?!!

"You're alive?!" I thought she couldn't live without the Herrscher energy, even here in my world!!

"Do you keep forgetting that I'm the strongest Herrscher in the world? Ha, that also means I'm immortal." Senti spoke.... somehow I missed her voice.

"What about Fuka?" I asked her about Fuka's status.

"That Old Timer? She's fine. Even she asked me to go look around for you forever." Ohh....

"More so, I can get to explore your world and find something intriguing for me." She ain't joking.... and I'm happy that she's here.

"Alright! So we can continue our adventure here!" Senti is really loyal....

"Ride in, Y/N! Our adventure starts here!" Senti shouted in a spirited voice. Standing on top of her sword form, preparing to dash.....

"Shuwatch!!" We both shouted, as we started to take off to the sky!

A new adventure.....

The Episode of Fu Hua and You (Ft. Kiana Kaslana)Where stories live. Discover now