Chapter 2

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The turtles had already left the game and back to the sewers after the referee called it for a foul. Shira thinks about how April is doing and couldn't bring herself to form a relationship with Leo. She was anxious, and she really didn't like herself being that alone. She had risked her life, trying to save the turtles a year ago but she had a second chance to save their lives.  But however, she was distracted when she saw Mikey, poking his head from the sewer grate and saw thousands of people dressed in Halloween costumes. The other turtles took notice of him.

"Mikey," Shira whispered. "What are you doing?"

"It's the Halloween parade, sis. I always wanted to be in the Halloween parade," Mikey chirped to his older sister. "It's the one night of the year where we fit in."

Shira's wings drooped, sagging to her shell.

"Mikey, we'll never fit in. We're ninjas," Leo urged. "We live in the shadows. Let's go!"

After a long pause, Mikey looked back at the outside world then back at his brothers. After a minute or so, he stepped out of the billowing steam rising from the seer into the full light of the Halloween parade. Manako, who realized Mikey disappeared, followed after him. Ever since that time, Manako was actually the girlfriend of Mikey, okay, she was actually Mikey's best friend. She climbed out of the sewer grate and tried to go after him. Nearby, her siblings didn't think it was a good idea. 

"Mikeycoo, wait up!" she squeaked.

"Mikey," Leo hissed. Mikey just ignored his brother and Manako tried to urge him to come back.

"Come on," Manako peeped, who tried to drag him away. "We have to go."

"What's the problem?" Mikey asked, innocently, "This is my city. These are my people!" Every time he looked around, Manako urged him to come back. The young little sea turtle was not sure if they would be caught or not. People think that they were in turtle costumes. He grabbed a nearby microphone from a dressed up DJ and said, "New York in the house!"

The crowd cheered at his declaration until Shira grabbed her brother's ankle and yanked him back to the sewer. Manako jumped after him in time, her skirt blooming like a parachute. To her, it's like she belongs here like she was once human.

"That was the most amazing thing ever!" Mikey squealed happily.

"What part of "ninjas move in the shadows" don't you understand?" Raph growled, scolding his little brother for going outside.

Reika agreed and hissed, "Don't you remember anything?" Even though she was gonna argue again, Donnie's phone rang again. He began to answer it. "April! How'd it go?"

"Donnie, I'm looking at the data from Baxter's iPad," whispered April.

"Hey, you got in. What did you find?"

Before she could respond and end the call, the files started disappearing before her eyes. "Hold on, Donnie. The files are erasing. It's some sort of self-destruct program."

The screen went blank. "Erasing?" Tomoka spoke, her glitchy effect took place.

"Before they started erasing, I had a chance to read a couple of Baxter's emails, and I was right. Baxter is working with the Foot Clan," April told Donnie over the phone. Donnie hung up. He turned to his brothers with a pale look on his face.

"Shredder is being transported to a prison in upstate New York tonight. And the Foot Clan are planning on hitting the convoy."

Donnie knew something might happen, his eyes were filled with horror and he realized that the plan was. "They're gonna break him out of police custody. He'll be free again!"

"Who, Donnie?" Leo asked.


Shira gasped. Shredder was the same man who killed April's father and nearly killed the turtles by draining their precious blood. But now he's gonna break out of jail? They had to stop him for what they did to him since he captured them.

Deep below the city, in the Turtle's lair, Master Splinter was meditating balanced upside down. His four sons and daughters barreled down the water slide entrance to the lair, kicking up a big wave that splashed Splinter. "Excuse me. All right, slow down. Does somebody want to explain?" the rat demanded. The sisters tumbled on each other and almost got back on their feet.

"Sensei, the Foot Clan are attempting to break Shredder out of custody," Leo explained.

"If Shredder is free, his reign of terror over the city will begin again," Splinter remarked.

"I really thought he was dead," said Shira.


"Then there's only one question: Why are you wasting time talking to a grumpy old rat? Go get him!"

Shira smiled and flapped her wings. "Thanks, Dad."

The sisters stormed past and grabbed fighting gear, Reika dug through a cardboard box. "I can't find my decapitated head. Manako, did you-"

"No, I didn't touch any of your stuff," Manako squeaked. Manako gets a little moody. She never liked to be teased and sometimes, her face will turn flushed pink.

Shira and her siblings went to the part where Donnie and Tomoka are waiting. "Okay guys, don't get too excited. It's still a work in progress," said Donnie. He began to remove the cover that was on the Shellraiser. He had upgraded the turtle truck a little bit, even now, it has a flying device on the top. It took the shape of a monarch that allowed only one member to control it. Thick tubes attached to the cloth like wings attached to a handle.

"Dude! Are you kidding me?" Mikey squealed, wrapping Manako up.

"I'm telling you guys, a lot of tweaking is still required. But when it's done, it's gonna be amazing," Donnie replied.

"Yessie! Hai! It's got weapons and also created a flying monarch machine on top just in case," said Tomoka, as she glitched her way to the top. Or maybe she was flying.

"How did you make it, brother?" Shira asked.

"All these wires are still bunched up here. There's no organization to any of this. I've got red wires, yellow wires... As you can see, the spot welding is not done yet... The seats don't recline..."

Leo reached across from the passenger seat and turned the key in the ignition. Mikey sat at the back seat in a meditative pose, holding a throwing star in each hand. Manako jumped to the top of the other row. Then the Shellraiser slammed into a brick wall, which was actually a door- their secret exit from the lair. They bust though into an underpass below Grand Central. 

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