Chapter 5

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Down town, a woman was at a bar from the street, leaning against the lamppost. She had green hair, long and wavy with a single strand of black in the front. Her skin was black and dark and her eyes were brown. Wearing a black jacket, tight jeans, a bone collar and a belt of knives, this woman is the deadliest. Her name is Sally, Sally Snake Eyes, one of the criminals in town. She was once the luckiest thief in town, she never gets caught by the police and she always escapes. Lifting her head up, she saw her friends arrive at the Horseshoe bar.Her friends arrived. Grinning, she motioned them to come inside. Once they entered, they ordered some beer in the bar.

"You know, Beebs, I'm tired of being someone else's errand boy. With Shredder out of the picture, maybe we could step up. Carve out our own piece of the city," said Rocksteady.

"True," said Snake Eyes, smoking a cigarette.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe even start our own Foot Clan. Eventually work our way up to our own Leg Clan! I mean, honestly, how hard could it be?" he said.

"I think I prefer this name Goreclan," Sally said softly.

Still polishing his knives, Bebop caught sight of something reflected in the bar's mirror. Shredder, and his daughter, a dark haired girl named Karai. "Hey! Mr. Shredder! My man. Coincidentally, we were just contemplating a consolidation of our criminal enterprises. We were thinking like a 51/49 split. Leaning your way, of course."

"He's not looking for partners," said Karai.

"Well," Sally asked. "What do you want?"

"I'm looking for errand boys, including a woman."

"Well, we could work with that," said Bebop without missing a beat.

"No shame started in the mailbox," Sally agreed.

After a few moments, the warden arrived at the bar. He knew that the bartender was being lied to. "Just want to ask you one more time. Are you sure those guys didn't come through here?"

"Hey, pal, I don't know what you're talking about," the bartender said flatly.

"Okay. You know what? I love this song! You don't mind if I borrow this, do you?" He slammed his fist through the glass and yanked out the CD that had been playing.

"What are you doing?"

"Nah, you know what? Never mind. It has a scratch on it. Or maybe I'll have a drink." He grabbed a mug off the bar and threw it at the cluster of bottles.

"Are you out of your mind?" the bartender yelled.

"Getting there." He grabbed another mug and threw it at the bottles behind the bar.

"Stop it! Stop it! Just stop it, okay?" the bartender pleaded.

"You ready to tell me where they are?" the warden asked.

"I slipped them cell phones. That's all I know!" the bartender spoke.

"And I imagine a responsible business person such as yourself, wouldn't sell hardware without a means by which to track said hardware. Am I right?"

He grabbed another mug and drew his arm back, aiming at the most expensive bottles behind the bar. "Look! Here. I have a GPS, okay? You'll find them with that." He slid a handheld GPS tracker down the bar to the warden.

In the Turtle's lair, Mikey is using his hoverboard while Reika sharpened her bat. Donnie is using a ball so Reika could whack it like baseball. Meanwhile, Raph paced back and forth impatiently. Manako was playing with Tomoka's drone that she made. "Every second we're down here, Shredder gets more powerful and Mikey gets more annoying," grumbled Raph.

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