Chapter 8

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"So you want to break into police headquarters?" April asked doubtfully, looking at her friends. Casey is sitting next to her as Reika sits across nodding her head.

"Uh.. Yeah."

"Donnie said he needs more of the purple ooze to track Bebop, Snake Eyes and Rocksteady," Raph explained. "And you said the cops would've logged it into the Evidence Control Room by now."

"Okay, and Leo is good with this plan?" said April.

"Actually, I'm in charge of this one. Ain't that right, Mikey?" Raph asserted.

Mikey hated lying to April, but he had to back his brother. "You're right."

"It is true," Manako nodded.

Raph held up a blueprint of police headquarters. "Look. So, we can take the elevator shafts and vents. We need you two to stay on the ground."

"I can't just walk right into police headquarters," Casey protested.

"What are you, kooka?" Reika snapped, the word she said known as crazy.

"Hey! Who are you calling kooka, turtle?" Casey snatched the blueprint out of Raph's hand.

"Look, do you want to find Bebop, Snake Eyes and Rocksteady or not?" Raph interrupted.

"So we're breaking into police headquarters."

"We got one last boondoggle. We need to find someone to sneak you guys past the security checkpoint," he said, "Only plan I got so far may be a tad less than appetizing."

"Vern?" April winced. 

Reika shrugged. "We work with what we got."

"Are we going somewhere?" peeped Manako, who was still nibbling on her cupcake.

At an elaborate party by the waterfront, Vern was thoroughly enjoying himself, circulating among the city's elite. Around his nec,k he wore his new key to the city. April peeked in and told him to come to a quiet corner. "We need your help," April told him.

"We? Who's "we?"

Reika, Raph, Mikey and Manako appear beside her.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't the prince of the city."

"You know what? Give me a break, Raph," Vern protested in disbelief. "You're the one who told me to take credit for Shredder in the first place. And now in light of the fact that he is who knows where, I am starting to have profound regrets about our arrangement."

Casey joined them. "So, are we just gonna stand around and talk or..."

"Who's this guy?" Vern asked, pointing a finger at Casey.

Mikey appeared behind them. "Total loser, bro. I mean, nice enough fella, if you like guy who can't even bench press. Boom!"

"His name is Casey," Manako squeaked, trying to reason with Vern that he's their new friend.

"Or fill out a T-shirt," Vern said.

"Vern, he's a part of the plan," April explained.

"What plan is that?" Vern asked. "The plan to break into police headquarters."


"We need to find Shredder," said April.

""We?" No, no, no. No, we're not doing... Listen, I'd love to help you guys out, but I can't. I got concert tickets for lunch."

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