Chapter 7

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At an abandoned pier on the west side of the city, the three criminals were putting their new mutated bodies to the test. Bebop punched a hole in the side of a shipping container. Then he turned to Rocksteady and bumped fists. "My man!" Rocksteady said, "We're invisible!" To demonstrate, Rocksteady charged headfirst into a concrete wall. Bebop snorted with delight, "My man!"

Snake Eyes came away from the collision with a piece of concrete stuck on her bust. "Get it off! Get it off!" she yelled, jumping around with her legless body. If that was not the case, Snake Eyes is still a reptile. Bebop started to pull the concrete off Snake Eyes' bust, but then he felt the presence of Shredder nearby, Bebop and Rocksteady straightened up and faced their new boss. Snake Eyes slithered up. "Master Shredder!" Snake Eyes said. Shredder didn't answer.

He turned to Karai and said, "I'm taking these three to go retrieve the first piece needed to open the portal. 

Karai thinks for a moment. "We have confirmation, Master Shredder. The canister of purple ooze is at police headquarters."

Shredder nodded his head. "Take a team. Recover it at all costs. I'll retrieve the first piece needed to open the portal."

"How many men do you want?" Karai asked. 

"This job is too important for just men," said Shredder. "I'm bringing with me the next generation of finely tuned combat soldiers."

Back at the lair, the turtles were waiting. No one is talking or doing anything. It was unusually quiet in their home beneath the streets of the city. Each sea turtle or land turtle thought about their fractured state and what they should do about it.

From a high spot in the lair, Splinter looked down, watching his silent daughters, very concerned. From above, Shira was on the top of her treehouse. She was longing to become human since two years passed and now, she's still thinking about that strange purple ooze she never witnessed, only the green mutagen from mutants.

Then, all of a sudden, Donnie appeared along with Tomoka with an eyedropper filled with purple mutagen. "Leo. Shira! Leo! Leo! Leo! Oh, my gosh. Oh, my God," they tried to say. Shira yelped and fell out of the treehouse and started flying. Looking down, she spotted Donnie searching for them. She slowly began to float down and landed on the ground.

"This is amazing! Leo, Shira, okay. You're both not gonna believe this. Okay, I made a solution from a sample of the purple ooze, right, to expedite analysis of the isotope? But while I was waiting for it to catalyze," Donnie spoke up. He and Tomoka lead them to a corner.

Shira flutters after her younger brother with Leo by her side. "I started thinking," he said, "if the purple ooze can turn humans into animals, perhaps if properly reengineered. Watch this. Watch this." Donnie dropped a small drip onto his hand. Immediately the body of his hand began to change into five fingers. "It could turn us.... into humans."

Shira's eye went wide. She remembered the time that she saved Leo, Mikey and Donnie when they were drained of blood, and she remembered that she and her sisters saved them by transferring their blood into them and mutated into sea turtles due to the mutagen. "If we could get our hands on more of this stuff, it could be life changing! Isn't that right, Tomoka?" he continued to his girlfriend.

"Yes, my love," Tomoka cooed softly.

Leo and Shira stared at Donnie's hand in awe. But after a few seconds, Donnie's hand reverted back into his three fingers. Tomoka touched his cold hand and touched foreheads, soft coos churr in their throats. "We don't need that kind of change," Leo said. Donnie looked at his brother and at his girlfriend.

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