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" what was the cause of the passing out ?" Steve asked after banner stabilises her
" overdose by medicaments, a suicide basically, but I was able to save her in time and take it out of her organism , but she need to rest " banner explains

"Is she ok? " Wanda asked in panic
" yes she is , now she needs to rest " banner said pushing the people to the living room where the rest of the team was , leaving Danyelle alone in the room sleeping.

Bucky was distant , his mind was somewhere else.
" you ok pal ?" Steve asked Bucky bringing him back to earth
" yeah" he cleared his throat " I am "
Of course he wasn't his mind was torturing him about what happened.
" well cyborg you really put the backstabber depressed gosh " tony teased
" shut the fuck up tony I'm not the only one that did, you can fucking critique about something you also did " Bucky snapped back
" I have to agree with Bucky " Wanda said
" same " Steve said

" what the hell was that ?!" Fury said furious, " why do I have one of my best agents , in a fucking medical bed because of an attempt of suicide ?! Can someone explain HUH?" He could murder someone there .
Everyone was quiet in silence .
" SO?" He insists
Nothing .
" she suffered a lot , ok she's been through hell , she was an early orphan , tortured and used , brainwashed, and I put her here trying to make her to recover from that trauma , and what do you guys do instead ? Make it worse , you literally indirectly killed her or almost , are you satisfied? She's your teammate-" fury says
" yeah a teammate that backstabbed us " Natasha said
" oh c'mon , guys you're adults you are grown enough to overpass the past , deal with it , she was brainwashed, why didn't you treat Bucky like this too ? Huh she passed by the same thing ! "

now the feeling of guilt caught everyone , they were looking at the floor.
" you should apologise to her , and treat her right you will see that she's not that bad believe me she's the sweetest girl that you've ever met" fury said
" you know sugar can kill too " Clint says
Fury rolled his eyes " tell me who don't kill here ?" He says " no one not even the mighty Captain America "
Steve looked down
" and how do you know that she's that sweet " tony asked
" I have my sources " fury said
" but fury is right she's sweet " Wanda said
" see " fury said looking at them
" I'm going to see her , and if I know that you're not treating her right .... you better prepare yourselves for the worse " fury said half kidding half serious .

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