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You felt like something was pulling you through time and space. You then fall in a strange world with a bunch of people staring back at you.

"Ugh what just happened. At first I was sleeping comfortably in my bed and now I see a lot of boys staring at me." You said.

"Hello, welcome to Raven College!!" Crowly exclaimed.

"Um, hi, I just wanted to know. What am I doing here?" You asked.

"Well, you have been personally selected to attend this school!" Crowly exclaimed. "Personally it is due to outside forces that allowed you to attend. But you probably know what outside force I am talking about." He added. "Now go stand in front of the dark mirror to know what house you are going to put in." He continued. He stood next to you and whispered, "You know what house you are going to be in."

Personally you were just trying to collect your memory and have no idea what is going on but you obey his orders and stood in front of the mirror.

"Your house is Scarabia." Stated the Dark Mirror.

Immediately you realized why you were sent. You were sent here to get to know your future husband. You turn around and noticed a very hyper boy. He looks to be about 16-17 years old and about 5'6 for height. His smile is as bright as the sun. He has white hair and is in his robe attire. You look to see who was next to him and noticed a boy who is a couple inches taller maybe 5'8. He looked to be around the other boy's age and looked annoyed as if the boy with white hair was giving him trouble.

"Now don't be shy now, go say hello to your housewarden and vice housewarden!" Crowly cheered.

You walk over and the white haired boy takes your hand and shakes it rapidly.

"Hi, I am Kalim. I heard a lot about you!! I can't wait to get to know you more!" He cheered. He leans in and cups your ear. "Especially since you and I are in an arranged marriage." He whispered.

"Hi since to meet you I am MC." You stated.

"Oh and the person next to me is my vice housewarden Jamil Viper! He has always been there for me since I was a little boy!" Kalim exclaimed.

Jamil extends his arm out and shakes your hand.

"It is nice now knowing who is going to marry the person I have taken care of all my life." Jamil teased.

"Oh yeah, I nice to meet you too." You stumbled.

"Okay guys, we have everyone now, so let's get going to the dorm room now!" Kalim shouted.

"Not so loud Kalim, we are still welcoming the freshmen to Raven College. We cannot scare them before their first day." Jamil snapped.

"You're right, Jamil. Sorry about that!" Kalim apologized.

As you were walking with your group you kept on hearing a lot of murmuring among the boys throughout all of the different dorms. You felt uncomfortable and everyone around can tell as well. So people avoided you for now, especially being the last person to be shot out of a magic mirror.

"Okay, we have made it, welcome to your dorm!" Kalim cheered. "Make yourself at home!" Kalim added.

The place looked like dream. It was a white building with a red rounded roof for a post-industrial flair. The outside was gorgeous with a bunch of water fountains and white spotless tiles. You felt a little bit more comfortable knowing that you will feel safe in this unusual environment.

"Come on in guys!" Kalim stated.

As everyone walked in, Jamil was the one holding the door for everyone.

"Thank you, sir." You said.

"No, need to thank me. I am doing what a vice housewarden is suppose to do." stated Jamil.

You nodded and went inside. The place was by far the fanciest
place you have ever seen. Even though you grew up in a fancy household it was nothing like this. The walls were marble with a purple sofas to go along with it. When you looked out towards the front, it was an open, meaning you can walk outside. The doors trim was painted in gold and the rooms were small but was comfortable too.

"Jamil prepared us for a big feast to welcome you guys!" Kalim smiled. "I am so lucky to have him!" He added.

Wow, Kalim must really admire Jamil, despite him being a vice housewarden. You looked over and Kalim was waving over at you to come over and sit next to him. You awkwardly took a seat and felt your body go tense. You just wished that you knew that this was going to happen to you today instead of it being a huge surprised.

Jamil comes out with a huge feast of different kinds of meat, cheese, and desserts all freshly made by him. Your eyes widen after seeing all of the mouth watering food.

"Sir, are we allowed to take some?" You asked politely.

"Well, of course! Dig in guys!" Kalim approved.

You took some meat and cheese and ate it. The flavor was immaculate, the spices, the taste, and the tenderness was just right.

"Thank you so much!" You exclaimed. "This is the best thing I have ever ate!" You added.

Jamil peered over at you and watched you cautiously. You felt confused as to why he felt so uncomfortable with you next to Kalim. I mean after all you are betrothed to marry him anyways.

The night fell and everyone was sent to the dorms except you.

"Hey MC stay back for a bit I want to talk to you!" Kalim stated.

"Yes housewarden." You spoke.

"Hey no need to be formal with me. Besides you will be my wife some day so let's not make it awkward." He reassured. "I wanted to show you something that is very special to me." He drags you to a secret area. He flicks on the lights and you see a bunch of gold and jewels.

"The gold and jewels they are okay. But look at this, it is a magic carpet." Kalim spoke.

Your face became curious as to why he had a magic carpet but you shrugged it off. You felt the magic carpet tickle you with the strings that hung on the ends. You giggled a little, the carpet swooped from underneath you, and now you were sitting on a magic carpet.

"I think the magic carpet likes you!" Joked Kalim.

You laughed in agreement and Kalim then hops on with you. "Let's go get Jamil and go on a magic carpet ride!" Kalim suggested. You nodded and the carpet flew us to Jamil. Jamil looks over a little annoyed.

"Don't get hurt Kalim." Jamil stated. "Actually I want you to come with us!" Kalim quietly said.

Jamil rolls his eyes and hopped on. You were in between the boys as you tried to hold on tightly to the magic carpet. The carpet took you up towards the skies. The stars were brightly shining and the moon was shining too.

"Wow, I feel like I am in whole new world right now." You awed.

Kalim laughs and Jamil was still uptight on being forced to come along.

"I was wondering if maybe you guys wanted to be friends?" You asked.

"Well, yes, I mean if we start out as friends then we will be more comfortable with one another." Added on Kalim.

"I guess I will be friends with you." Jamil grumbled.

You smiled with excitement and felt the magic carpet take you away from the skies and onto the surface. You couched down and rubbed the magic carpet. You waved goodbye to it as it flew away into the storage closet.

You thanked both of them for the great time you had and went to your room.

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