Let's Karaoke

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MC MC MC!!" Kalim screamed. He was shaking you awake.

You rolled over and asked, "what time is it?"

"It is promptly 6:00a.m." Jamil replied.

"Okay," you said pulling yourself out of bed.

You rubbed your eyes, you may or may not have stayed up all night playing video games.

"Hey MC, let's make breakfast. That is why we woke you up this early." Jamil stated.

You got ready once they left and made your way to Jamil's room. You knocked and once he opened his shirt was drifted on shoulder. You just turned around and left. Clearly he was not ready to leave. You waited for about 5 minutes.

"I'm ready now, Jamil stated."

You muttered under your breath. You were upset because he should of just said he was still getting dresses instead of opening it when he wasn't. What an annoying boy!

We walked in the cafeteria around 6:10. You noticed there was a note that was left listing everything that needed to be cooked. How can he make so many meals in an hour? It is practically impossible.

"We will split the work in half." Jamil suggested.

You agreed and started to make the pancakes and scrambled eggs. You added your own flair to the dishes you made. Jamil walked over to check on you while flipping the pan of stem fried rice. He nodded in approval and walked away.

You felt different around him. Everything you wanted to do is to impress him. Why do I want to impress him? You should be impressing Kalim, you told yourself. You felt like you were disappointment to admit that you started to have feelings for the wrong guy....

Later on that night...
Kalim called for an important meeting with everyone.

"Everyone, let's karaoke!" Kalim exclaimed.

Everyone seemed to be confused but you were going to have the time of your life. Even though you may feel self-conscious you were ready to break out of your shell!

"Jamil, get everything ready please!" Kalim pleaded.

Jamil went off to grab everything and set everything up. He waved over the housewarden to see if this was good enough. Kalim smiled and turned around to tell everyone it was ready.

"Who wants to start off?" Kalim asked.

Everyone seemed to back away and you were left standing towards the front.

"MC do you want to go first? I can do a duet with you or maybe a trio with Jamil if you are too nervous." Kalim suggested.

You agreed to do a trio. But what about song choices? You don't exactly have the most normal music taste compared to everyone in the room.

"You choose, MC," suggested Jamil. Jamil then gives you his phone to pick a song to sing to. "Don't worry I also have premium so you won't have to worry about ads or not having the right song being played." Jamil added.

You took the phone and tapped the search bar. The worst part about this, is that you are a very indecisive person, since you are afraid of being judged. You decided on a song after a whole minute of overthinking. Candyman.

Jamil and Kalim seemed surprised by your song choice.

"I like older RnB songs." You replied.

They seemed both excited about your music taste, which you found rather strange. A lot of people tend to judge you for it.

You guys sung that song like it was the last song being played. You and Jamil laughed when Kalim started to sing or rap in cursive. You guys enjoyed yourselves while it lasted until the song was over.

A lot of the dorm members said that they a lot of homework or studying to do, so it was just you, Jamil, and Kalim.

"Normally I would of told them to stay because it was Kalim's orders but they can all leave if they are going to ruin the atmosphere." Jamil stated.

You were shocked by this, but glad that you guys could enjoy yourselves singing in the beautiful, starry night.

It was 3:00a.m. when all three of you guys crashed. Man you were tired as hell but you had the best time of your life.

"Anyways I am going to bed guys. I cannot open my eyes anymore. Anyways thanks for the best night ever!" You exclaimed.

"Hey, before you go to bed, want to go on a carpet ride with the three of us?" Jamil suggested.

Kalim seemed surprised by this but agreed despite how tired he was. So you all walked to the treasury room to retrieve it. You all ran outside and hopped on.

Even though you were tired once you felt the night breeze against you and how close you were to the stars you woke up immediately. You glanced over at the two boys who were next to you. You felt like this was going to be a great year with the three of them and the new friends you have made from the different dormitories.

You felt someone touch your hand, it was Kalim. He smiled at you and gestured that you were allowed to lean on him. You respectfully declined because you thought it would invade his personal space. His hand was still on yours, was a soft touch, you felt comfortable and relax.

You felt someone laying on your leg, apparently Jamil fell asleep on you. Then you felt another person fall asleep. Two sleepy boys laying on your leg. What could go wrong with two boys you appreciate so much? You gestured the magic carpet to let you down softly. Once the carpet land you carried Kalim on your back and Jamil in your arms. They were so heavy but you had to do what you gotta do.

You attempted to open Jamil's door but it was very difficult since he was in your arms so you attempted to use your arms to open it. Luckily it worked, you laid him on his bed and before you walked out you heard a soft voice.

"Thank you for everything," whispered Jamil. You blushed a little and said your welcome quietly. You shut the door and walked to Kalim's room to put him in bed. You walked out and clasped on your bed.

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