Kalim's Time to Shine

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Once we were teleported into Kalim's hometown. Everyone surrounded him with love and affection. You even got toward over by a bunch of little kids. They were all so cute, talking about how you are such a good match for Kalim. With hearing that Jamil got a little mad because he wanted to be the one mentioned not Kalim. You smiled and waved goodbye.

"I think I see her," Kalim cheered. He rushed over to a teenager who seemed about my age. She looks over and sees me. I started to tense up.

"Hello, Kalim Al-Aism how may I help you?" She spoke.

"No, need to speak so formally! You and I are childhood best friends." Kalim exclaimed.

"Your family would not appreciate you speaking to me, so I wish you well. I must go now Kalim Al-Aism." She replied.

"But there is something I want to say. Please?" Kalim asked.

"Fine, sir, please be quick." The teen replied.

"Jasmine Blossom, would you please go to prom with me?" Kalim asked.

She shook her head no. Her eyes gestured towards you, she is assuming that you and Kalim are still going out.

"I forgot to mention, me and MC, decided to break off the marriage to be with the people we truly love." Kalim explained.

"Absolutely not, I an deeply sorry, Kalim. I truly like you, but I cannot risk it. What if your parents found out or mine?" She cried.

"Well then, transfer to Raven College with me. You and MC can make some form of plan to make this work." Kalim reassured.

"I shall accept Jasmine Blossom as my own helper." You interjected.

"What are you doing?" Jamil asked.

"You know you are Kalim's helper, what if she becomes mine. Meaning she can still be with Kalim." You reassured.

"Great idea, MC," Kalim cheered.

"Hey, I did not agree to this." Jasmine spoke. "I can't do it, I am sorry once again," She added.

Kalim seemed like he was close to crying. You rushed over to him and comforted him.

"Hey, everything will be okay," You comforted. You rubbed his back as tears started to spill. His head was on your shoulder and you felt a tight squeeze at your arm. You put your hand on his head and ran your fingers through his hair.

"I wish you did that with me." Jamil joked.

"Oh, shut up Jamil!" You yelled.

He started to laugh.

"This is not funny, Kalim just got rejected." You stated.

"That is not what I was laughing about. I was laughing because you immediately defended yourself with no hesitation." Jamil explained.

You just shrugged it off and Kalim let go on your shoulder.

"I am sorry for doing that." Kalim apologized.

"It is okay, it is not your fault. I think it is just a natural reaction to come to me for comfort." You reassured.

"Magic mirror take us back." Kalim commanded.

Then someone came over, waving their hands frantically.

"I actually want to go with you!" Jasmine yelled.

You guys turned around and saw Jasmine running as fast as she could. Once she got over to where you guys were she was panting.

"Holy shit, anyways I really want to go with you. I just pretended not to because I thought you were joking around with me. I didn't think that you truly liked me since your family told me when I was younger that you wanted nothing to do with me." Jasmine explained.

This totally makes sense as to why Jasmine spoke so formally to him.

"My family tried to get rid of you?!" Kalim yelled.

"Um, technically, yes." Jasmine stated.

Kalim started to turn hot red. His anger was through the roof.

"Alright, I am calm now. I am excited to go to the dance with you." Kalim stated.

Jasmine ran off, I guess she got nervous that she would be caught agreeing to go to the dance with Kalim.

"Magic mirror, take us back home:" Kalim commanded again.

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