Staying at Pomefiore

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You knocked on the door and a tall boy opens it. He looks at you suspiciously.

"So, why are you here?" He asked.

"I am here to study with Epel." You replied.

"Ah, you must be MC, well I am Vil, the housewarden of this dorm. Please come in." He stated. "So why did you bring a change of clothes?" He added

"Oh, I had an argument over at Scarabia and I truly don't want to go back there today." You whined.

He nodded his head and lead you to Epel's room. You thanked him and knocked on the door. Epel opens the door surprised to see you.

"I thought you mysteriously cancelled out on me." Epel stated.

"No, I had a fight over at Scarabia, so I was late. I got into a fight with Jamil. He has been so overprotective it is overwhelming. Like he thinks he can control my decisions." You complained.

Epel nodded his head and gestured to get on studying. You agreed and took out your textbooks. Epel noticed you had a change of clothes on you.

"Why do you have that?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, I was wondering if I could stay tonight. I don't feel comfortable going back to my dorm." You answered.

"Yes, that is fine with me. I just need to ask my housewarden if it is allowed." Epel stated.

"Well, he actually agreed in allowing me to stay. He was the one who answered the door." You answered.

You guys went over more weird combinations that Crewl threw at you guys. Apparently you guys were such good study partners that you had to get harder things to study from.

"How about we practice in the chem room?" Epel asked.

You agreed and headed out. When you got there you guys dropped off your stuff to go to the garden. When you got there, you noticed Malleus was there. Interesting, you wondered why he was there.

"Let's grab what we need and get out." Epel's voice shook. You guessed that Epel is afraid of Malleus. You got to admit he is a very scary looking person, but he seems like he would be somewhat nice if you got to know him.

You guys grabbed everything and rushed to the chem room. You set everything up while Epel got the liquid to the right consistency to start the combination.

You were excited to get started, but something didn't seem right. While you guys tried to combine everything it wouldn't work.

"I know what this is, it is like mixing multiple dry ingredients in cooking! That is why we are struggling so much!" You exclaimed.

You and Epel swapped places and tried out your observation. You were correct. It was like mixing things that wouldn't normally mix together. You guys celebrated and then Azul walked in with his lab partner Floyd. He walks over to you guys and peers over what you are doing.

"How did you figure this out? Especially for being a freshmen." Azul asked.

"Well, I like cooking so that is how I knew what to do." You answered.

"Interesting, so you concluded on how to do this really hard experiment before your exam because of cooking?" Azul asked.

"Precisely." You answered.

Azul then gets called over by Floyd to start their experiment. He waves you guys goodbye.

"Let's get cleaned up and head back to the door." Epel suggested.

You nodded and started to pour out the beakers, graduated cylinder, and your erlenmeyer flask. While you did that Epel poured out the concoction in the large cauldron you used.

You guys then left to go back to the dorm. When you opened there were two surprised visitors waitings

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