Introduction with an A/n

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Hello and welcome to some random readers that might not be the same as usual since this fanfiction is from another Plot : DETECTIVE CONAN !

As you guys might have guessed by now , I am a fan of Detective Conan , and always wondered what would it be like if I was in said anime . So I wrote this .

If you don't like self insert in animes then I suggest you don't read it .

If you don't like op!ocs then I suggest you don't read .

If you don't care and just want to pass time by reading something then be my guest and welcome to this fanfic !

Also , it is inspired from many many many fanfics so ... Yeah ... If any writer by any chances collides with this book and doesn't like the fact that his/her original idea was used here and wishes for him/her to get credit , then contact me so I would do so .

I think that's pretty much it ... I hope you do enjoy this book as much as I do .

Note : Irregular updates , no one can know when I will update !

I'll leave you now with the first chapter !

- by Mizunashi Mika

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