Chapter 38

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        I stood there frozen. I blinked a few times before a gasp escaped my lips. Aiden and Alissa break apart, Alissa smirking at me and Aiden with wide eyes. I feel my heart squeeze making it hard to breathe. I shake my head and turn around to find Madison running up to me, from the water fountain. "Okay I'm done can we go on another ride with Ella and Alice. Oh Sydney and Jules, too?" I nod, afraid that if I speak my words will be all over the place.

        I walk trying to not think about what just happened, what I just saw. Of course, to my disliking, I can't stop replaying it over and over in my head. A exasperated sigh leaves my mouth and Maddie stops pulling my arm, making me crouch down. "Claire, are you okay?" I bit my bottom lip and nodded weakly. I put on a straight face, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I am with one the most amazing little girls in the world aren't I?" I wiggle my brows at her and she just giggles and puts her hands on her face.

        "Can we go to that?" She points her finger towards one of the big covered slides and I nod and walk over to the others. Maddie suckers all of them into coming with us on the slide. We almost all of them. She couldn't quite get Spencer and Trevor to come along, but she got everyone else. Well she didn't get her brother and I'm thrilled because after what I witnessed I don't even want to be near him.

        I keep on replaying the thing that's practically killing me on the inside. I know Noah and Ella know there's something off but they just elect to ignore it for now, knowing I won't admit it. I'm not sure about the others, but from all the others concerned faces I can tell them know me too well already. I give Madison a small fake smile and then pull her towards the slide. After what seems like nothing, we're in the front of the line. I look down at Maddie and she looks nervous. I kneel down, "There's nothing to be scared of, Maddie. It' just a ride plus you can hold my hand if you get scared, okay?" She smiles and nods, which temporarily makes me forget about everything.

        Aiden leans down by my ear and whispers, "Claire, can we talk?" I shake my head and shrug, "There's nothing to talk about." I keep a straight face and then everyone looks at me. Lee laughs, "Well someone is being a stubborn little ass." I roll my eyes, "You're right. You guys are irking the cra- poop out of me. I'm going for a run. I'll see you guys later." I stand up and grab my bag and pull out my keys. I toss it to Kyle, "You can go back to the house and eat and do whatever you want. I expect you to keep them in line, though, Ky. I'll be back there in a few hours. I just need to clear my head. See you back at the house." They all just stare at me.

        I turn on my heel and start walking towards the exit of the park. I'm walking at a fast pace and I'm about halfway out the door when I get yanked back. I grit my teeth, "What the fuck do you want, Aiden?" He rolls his eyes and I turn back around and start walking. He pulls me back, again. "What do you want?"

        "Can we talk?" I laugh, "No! I don't want to." I turn back around and start walking for the exit, again. "Look, Claire, I know you're mad at me, but-" I spin around and send him a look of shock. "You think I'm mad? You think I'm mad because you were making out with Alissa?" He nods, "Well why else would you ignore me and won't even let me talk to you, let alone stay and have fun with your friends?" I sigh and shake my head, "You really are stupid, aren't you? I was never mad at you."

        He groans and pull at the ends of his hair, "So why the hell are you running away from me like I'm the fucking plague?" I open my mouth but nothing comes out at first, but after a few seconds it just explodes. "You no longer have a reason to be in my life. Simple as that."        

        "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT," he yells walking forward, towards me. I laugh a little, "I was never mad at you. I was hurt, hurt that you would stoop that low and after everything you know she's done to me. I was disappointed, I was disappointed because I thought better of you. I thought you were someone who I now know only exist in the movies, someone who had all of the qualities of a jock but still had one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen. But you know what, that was nothing compared to how stupid I felt, still feel. I can't believe that I could be so stupid to think for even a short second that I could trust you, that I could count on you. But then again, I got my hopes up, just for them to come crashing down like always." My voice cracks but you know what? I don't even care anymore.

        I clap my hands a few times, "So bravo, Aiden, take a bow. You can now add me to the list of girls who you've fooled and broken because apparently I still had something to break before I met you." I turn around and take a step. I face him and say, "And to think this morning when I woke up with your right beside me, I thought of a future, but it's clear as night that that will never ever be happening. That it didn't have a chance of happening."  I turn and don't even try walking away, but more like running away. I run in one direction not sure where I'm going, with tears streaming down my face.

        I pull out my phone from my little backpack and see it with 91 texts and 154 calls from everyone. I don't even know where I am. I all I know is I'm walking on the side of the road with a tear stained face and with a headache. I don't even know how long I ran for or how long it'll take to get back home. At this point I really don't care. I sniffle and walk on the side of the road. A BMW pulls up on the side and Jack hops out of it. "Claire!" I look up and he motions for the passenger seat. I walk over and open the door. I climb in and Jack doesn't ask, but Cam does.

        "Why are you crying?" Cam asks. Jack looks up into the rear view mirror and scolds, "Cameron!" I touch his shoulder and whisper, "It's okay." I turn around to Cam and say, "I was, uh, I guess you could say, running from my problems." I turn back around and look at the streets. "So is that how you ended up miles away from where we last saw you." I nod and sniffle.

        "Yeah. I get upset and sad and I ran away. My friends are probably worried sick, but at this point I don't even care. I just want to forget what happened." Jack turns into a parking lot and into a Dairy Queens driveway. "Cam, what are you getting?" Jack asks while pulling up to the speaker. "I want a banana split," Cam beams. I laugh and Jack turns to me. "What do you want?" I shake my head.

        When the worker asked what our order was Jack ordered, "Two large oreo blizzards and a banana split." The worker told us to drive up to the window. When we pulled up to the window Jack handed the guy a $20 dollar bill.

        Jack turned to me and said, "I got you a oreo blizzard. You look like a oreo fan. I know you said you didn't want one, but I think you need one." I laugh and then say, "Thanks Jack." The worker comes back with out orders and Jack hands me the banana split and I turn around and give it to Cam. I turn back towards the front and he hands me my blizzard. I take the spoon out and scoop up some before shoving it into my mouth. Jack takes a bite out of his while pulling out and back onto the road.

        We talked and I somehow spilled everything that happened and what Alissa has done in the past. I just left out the part about my mom. She was a touchy subject and if brought up then I would just be a train wreck. He just turned onto the street connecting to my street and I groan inwardly — not wanting to go home. He pulls up at the curb to my house and I turn around and say bye to sleepy Cam. "Bye Cam." He yawns, "Bye Claire."

        I unbuckle and kiss Jack on the cheek. "Thanks for the ride and just listening to me and my problems." He smiles, "Hey don't worry about it." I smile and open the door, "Bye Jack." He smiles, "Bye Claire. Good luck." I close the door and start walking up to my front door. I open the door and toss my bag onto the table next to the coat rack. I walk through the living room and see Ella, Sydney, and Emmett on the phone and Alice, Jules, Lee, Ryder, and Dylan sitting on the couches. When Ella, Sydney, and Emmett see me they stop talking.

        They all mutter, "She's here," before hanging up their calls. I turn around and walk into the kitchen. I grab out a bottle of water and turn around to a fuming Ella. "Do you know how fucking worried we were about you?" I turn around and walk past her. I walk up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door and lock it. I faintly hear Ella swear from downstairs.

        I hear the door open and slam shut. Pounding footsteps on the stairs and then more pounding on the hallway floor. It stops when it reaches the outside of my door. The knob starts to twist but to no avail. The pounding starts on my door. I throw in some ear buds and block out all of the pounding. I lay on my bed and turn all of the lights off. I'm surrounded by complete and utter darkness. No light can get to me — no light can break me. Nothing can will get to me now.

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