Chapter 59

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Claire's POV

Everything that's happened in the past four months have been a handful. I got together with my cocky, but loving boyfriend, I turned 18, moved out of Joseph's house, sent in applications for college, passed my mid terms, got accepted to Columbia, planned a trip to go to a conference this week, and last, but not least, go home and visit Aunty Stella and Uncle Travis with little Tommy and hopefully meet the new little one. I think her name is Selene, or maybe it was Selena?
"Sweetheart what times your flight?" Aiden asks from his seat on the his —our— bed. I turn around from packing my suitcase and mumble, "11:45 tomorrow. I'll have to leave here by nine at the latest." I walk over to the bed and sit lie next to Aiden, resting my head on his thigh. He runs his fingers through my hair with a heavy sigh.
"You'll be gone for the whole break?" There's a sadness throughout his words that makes my heart constrict. I'm not afraid of loving him anymore cause I know that I have the same effect on him as he does on me. I find myself missing him more than not and I don't know what to call it other than love.
"Yeah but I'll be back. I would've asked you to come, but I doubt you'd have wanted to go to the conference. For some people they're quite boring if they're not interested in the subject." Well that's one reason. The other reason is because I don't want him to know why I have to go and stuff like that. I've been pushing it off for a while and just spending time with him and everyone and I've been avoiding my responsibilities since a couple of months after I arrived in California.
"Well I be waiting. I probably just hang around the house and help watch Madison. I'll be there to pick you up at the airport when I get back." He kisses my forehead and we both get up and pack some of my clothes and my laptop.
"Where is this conference anyway...?" I turn around and look at Aiden to see him grabbing some sweaters, but not looking my way. I walk to him and wrap my arms around his torso. I kiss his bare back and whisper, "Boston, Massachusetts. I got a long ride..."
"All the way across the country... I'll miss you..."
"And I'll be dreaming of you..." I whisper. I lay my head on his back and sigh. We make our way to the bed and fall back, falling asleep in each other arms.

"Hey Claire." Someone shouts from the side of the doors right outside of baggage claim. I turn hearing, the idiot they assigned to pick me up, Levi's, voice. He smiles a bright, boyish grin towards me while running up to me to grab my suitcase. He offers to carry my duffel, but I decline and insist on holding it myself.
"So Weldon told me you're staying with me and I'm apparently your chauffeur for the conference and however long you're staying here. I have a guest room for your to stay at in my apartment and Tess and Quinn will be over later after the conference. So how have you been Ms. Gilbert?" Levi says while turning right and heading through the familiar streets. I remember I came here for a trip before. I don't remember doing much, but I remember the city.
"Levi I'm your friend so stop with the formalities. I really hate when you guys do that. It makes me feel weird..." I drift off looking out the window. Levi laughs and remarks, "You know I'm just messing with you Claire. Who's the guy?" I freeze in my seat and continue to look at the scenery of the city.
"What do you mean? Who's what guy?" I ask, feigning innocence. I'm about to start looking at my nails when my phone chimes. I pick it up, out of my bag, and see a text from Aiden asking how my flight was and asking how I was doing. A smile grazes over my lips while responding and unfortunately Levi catches it.
"I'm dead serious. Who's the guy?" Levi says, looking at me through the rear view mirror. I finish texting that I'm fine and that I'm actually headed to the conference now.
"My boyfriend..." I whisper. I didn't say it soft enough though. Levi jerks the car, "You're WHAT!?! Since when do you have a boyfriend? I thought you and Kyle broke up?" The cars behind us honk and Levi just rolls his eyes.
"Since December... Is it bad that I love him already...?" I ask while turning my attention from the buildings to his eyes in the rear view mirror. I hear him sigh before he smiles, "No. It just means you're in love with him. Is he the one?"
I nod my head, "Yeah he is..."

"Hi. My name's Claire Gilbert. My background is a student. I'm actually still in high school to be precise. I learned about his company about four and a half years ago with my guardians. They joined and put my name for the account. I built my team to what it is today and I've just loved this company and the opportunity it has given me and my family." I say in to the microphone. I look out through the crowd and then walk off backstage. I walk up to Declan and Pam and give them hugs. Or at least try. I gave Declan a hug and attempted to hug Pam with her big stomach.
"Omg! It's been too long, Claire. How has life been?" Pam squeals. I pull back and grin, "Great. Everything's fine. I'm finally 18 and now I don't have to live with Joseph. I moved in with my boyfriend and-"
"Boyfriend! You fucking moved in with your boyfriend? Are you insane?"
"If you would've let me finish I would have said I moved in with him and his family. I've known them and became close to them in the past two years and I'm... happy. My boyfriend, Aiden, he makes me feel loved, like I can feel loved again. He's different, Dec. And I didn't just let him into my life without him trying. He broke down the walls and then stood there and helped me build them back up again. He's different."
"I'm going to have to meet this guy sometime. If he can make you so in love, then I have some respect for him already."
"I'm not so in love with him..." I murmur. Declan laughs, "So what are you if you're not so in love with him? Whipped?" I glare at him and slightly nod my head, making him laugh even harder.

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