Chapter 52

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Jack's POV (1 Month Later, November)

Andrea and I are laughing about some stupid corny joke she just made. We've become friends over the past couple of months and I think it's one of the best friendships I've ever had. I know I have Claire as my girl but I'm starting to feel something for Andrea and I don't think it's quite fair, but I haven't done anything. Maybe I should break up with Claire so I don't do anything stupid with Andrea while I'm with Claire. It wouldn't be right to hurt her.
"Jack?" Claire's voice calls from behind me. I turn, along with Andrea and look to see Claire with a frown on her face. She looks between the two of us and her frown deepens, her eyebrows pulled closer together.
"So this is why you've been so distant..." She mutters to herself. She blinks and and I don't even know what to say. I guess sorry would be a place to start, "Claire, I'm sorry. I haven't-"
"Andrea do you like Jack?" She asks while biting her lip. She slowly takes steps towards Andrea while she nods.
She takes a deep breath and then sighs, "Andrea make him happy..." She smiles lightly and then turns to me, "Jack treat her right. She is a lady, after all." She starts to walk away but I jog up to her, "Do you hate me now?" I ask.

Claire's POV

I giggle and shake my head, "No I don't hate you. I get it. She can make you happy and I'm pretty sure you love her but just don't know it yet. Plus I was your friend before your girlfriend. I'm still going to be your friend and being a friend means accepting your choices. Oh and by the way you two are going out on a date... tonight. So dress up. I'm planning it." I squeal and Andrea blushes while I jump up and down.
"Claire?" Jack calls. I hum in response, not expecting what he was about to say, "You should give Aiden a shot. He's in love with you and judging by the crimson red on your face I can tell that he's already told you. He's different now. Ever since you came he's been better. He's not the same asshole he was a few years back. He's... changed. You may not see it, but you also haven't seen him the way others have. You haven't seen him being reckless and partying every night. If he has you somehow, whether it's a friend or more, he's better. You bring out the better in him. Give him a shot."
"I don't want to get hurt..." I whisper.
"There's always the chance that you could get hurt with anyone. You just have to take the risk. It's a fifty fifty chance."
"Since when did you become so poetic?" He grimaces and rolls his eyes.
"Bye smartass."
"Jack come here." I motion for Jack to come closer and when he's close enough I whisper, "You're going to take Andrea tonight to a restaurant on the outskirts of town. I'll send you the address and there will be a reservation with your name already there. Oh and the dinners on me. Have fun."
"What?" He exclaims.
"Andrea be ready tonight at 5. You will have a good time on your date." I squeal.
"Didn't we just break up? Aren't you not supposed to be setting up a date for me?"
"Like I said I'm your friend. I get to go crazy on this. I need to go plan. Toodles." I wave and run to the car I bought for a few thousand. It's not too grand or anything, but it's also not a POS car.
Okay so now I have to call up Roman and tell him I need a reservation for a friend at his restaurant, plan something cute for after, and the hardest one, planning on how to make it up to Aiden.
I make it home in a few minutes and it's already cold being that it's mid November. I get out of my car and wrap my sweater tighter around my body. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. Joseph's car is in the driveway, so I guess he's back with Stacy from their trip.
I walk up and open the door, sliding in and reveling in the heat. I slide my converse off and walk into the living room. Joseph and Stacy are curled up and snuggling against each other.
I turn around and walk up the stairs, but stop halfway through the stairs when Joseph calls me, "Claire, can we talk to you for a minute?" I sigh and involuntary walk back down the stairs and into the living room.
"What's up?" I ask while taking a seat across from them and on the other couch.
"So Stacy's moving in with us. Today." Joseph says with excitement.
"Cool... When are you guys supposed to get married again?" I ask not really caring, but acting like I do.
"In October next year."
"Okay well I have to go do homework and stuff..." I awkwardly say, standing up and rushing up the stairs. What's going to be next they're having a kid? This is all happening fast.
I get into my room and start calling Roman and then go on to planning the night out under the stars.

By the time I finished everything it was already four. I got up and texted Jack the address and told him what he was going to do. I double checked with Roman and made sure everything was perfect before deciding to start thinking about what I'm going to do with Aiden. I think it's too sudden to just ask him out and date him. And yes I did just say ask him out because I believe that girls can ask guys out too.
I hopped into the shower and then changed into my pajamas before grabbing my phone and wallet and heading over to Aiden's house. I rang the door bell and I was surprised to see Emily opening the door and doing a double take of my outfit.
"Claire... sweetie... why are you wearing that at 5 in the evening?" She asks with a raised brow and pursed lips.
"Haven't you heard it's the new 'in' trend?" I ask with sarcasm, posing a couple of times before we both start laughing. She opens the door wider and lets me in. Maddie comes running out of nowhere and tackles me with hugs. I pick her up after I get her arms unwrapped from my thighs.
"Hey Mads! Movie night with me and Aiden?" I ask. She fervently nods her head and drags me up the stairs. She pushes me into her room and then opens up a drawer in her closet to reveal about 100 movies. She starts going through them and when she's finished going through all of them she has about five that she wants to watch. She asks me to pick out of the five and I end up choosing Finding Nemo.
"You go downstairs and put the movie in and I'll go get Aiden." I suggest while she runs down the stairs after a brisk, "Okay." I walk to Aiden's room and knock on the door. From the outside I can hear Aiden loud and clear, "Mom or Madison I don't want to talk. Just leave me alone."
I fly open the door and stroll in, "I'm not your mom or Madison." His eyes shoot up to mine and when he realizes that it's me he gets up and asks, "So what are you doing here?"
"Well Madison and I are having a movie night and then a sleepover. I thought you would want to join, but maybe not so much anymore. You seem a little grouchy - like the grinch." Aiden chuckles and asks, "So what are we watching?"

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