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Anny or should presently now be known as Celeste is siting on her armchair, elbows prop on top of a small table and forhead rest on her clasp back hands. Her gaze moved in front of her as her eyes twitch in anoyance. She sigh and leand back on her chair as she can feel a headack coming.

"What did I get myself invoved into..."

She sigh again in frustration as the hulking humanoid muscular creature infront of her tilted his head to the side adorable even if his or 'it' has an expretionless face,tho only she can find it adorable.the only negative point is his roting smell of the dead imanating off of him wich reminded her of the dreadfull world she previously belonged to.

Now you might be wondering what is hapening rightnow?

Well, To start it off, it all hapent two days ago a week after the offenderman interaction and when she get back to her work in the hospital.

As a psychiatrist working in the hospital, I too, am bussy like other normal doctors. Because there are very few psychiatrist and psychologist and I just so hapens to work and graduated on both.so double the pay, double the pain.

As I finish the last consulting patient infront of me it was already 6 pm as I glance at the work clock in my office, I havent even eaten lunch yet.


someone knock on my door and there emerge a nurs I'm familiar with,"would you like to join us to eat in the cafiteria Doctor Lesy?"

Instead of directly saying my name,that is Celeste, my cowerkers like to call me on the nickname they gave me in private.

"I still need to arrange this patient's records before I can go and eat, so you beter go ahead with the others first." I told her without looking up from what I was working on on the desk.

"They specially made an exeption and bring out some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and pork stew only for tonight~"


"What are you wating for? Lets go and get them befor it is devord by the other hounds."I said hurridly already out the door after finishing my sentence.

The nurs huridly tride to keep up with me."ya know' I'm still amaized at how fast you would walk in the mer mention of sweets and meat, I can barely keep up with your pace!" She said as we climbed up the stairs to the 3rd floor and turnd left where the cafeteria is straight ahead.

"Its like you havent eaten them for years!"

"Why wouldnt I? Mrs. Johansen in charge of the cafeteria makes amazing chocolate chip cookies and seldom do they make something as oily as pork stew after all" my eyes light up as there are only few of the employees  in the cafeteria due to maybe a bussy shift, and i quicklh lined up to where my target is.

"Well you are right on that point, after all she do make the most delitous cookies." The nurse asighned to me replied while lining up behind me.

As we got our meal and beverages we sat down on a table with the nurs's coworkers and begin our late lunch but early dinner.

As we were eating the news on the tv atracted me as it was brod casting live while eating a cookie on my hand.

"Breaking news! There are currently an unidentifiable disease  growing on, as eaven though the body is perfectly healthy they died in an unknown couse and loss of blood eaven tho the autopsy cant find any wonds or marks for drowing blood in the victim's body. One witness has testifide that it was a work of a supernatural entity."

"Sir can you pleas recount to us what you have seen and the victims state before his impending death?" The reporter pointed the mike at an shaking older man in his mid 50, visibly in teror and grif, he snatch the mike out of the hands of the reporter and with wide eye infront of the camera focusing on him begin to talk.

"My son was going to surprise me in my house on my birthday,and at that time I was out doing my Groceries."

"When I got home that night the table was full of my favorite food and cake with a candle on it.I think of my only son must have had given me a birthday surprise however I cant find my son anywhere." The old man sobingly said.

"I was worried so I called his phone wich ring at the vacant bedroom in my house. I was confused and thought that he still has a surprise for me. I called his name and open the door to see a dark messy room."

"I was horrifide to see a figure biting the neck of my sone when I enterd the room! I was so shock that I forgot to move and the only thing that I can hear was the ring of my son's phone and the sound of his body hiting the floar."by this time the poor old man was crying so much Griff.

"It was the Jiangshi! A Jiangshi killed my son!"

"Oh my poor son become food for that monster!"

"If only I have taken your place,how  could your old father live without you!"

"The parent should be first to depart before the younger generation! The heavens are so unjust!"

The old man continued to wail and houl in greef infront of the camera as the reporter retrive the microphon back and a crew leed the man off camera.

"There are the same simtomps  as the deseased shown on the uper right of the screen ocationaly found by the police and families."

"The police reported that the victims are alone in their homes or alone outside at night."

"The police investigated some missing person notice and some of the victems with the same death shown on the screen was found in some of the abandoned warehoused,piled up in a small pile."

As the reporter continued to report I felt an omminous premonition.

I qickly grab my fork and stab it at the table only a hairs breath away from the asailant hand that tride to snatch my last pice of cookie.

Elle, the nurse earlier, quickly retrieve her hand and nervously laugh at the side as the others on the same table laugh at her predicament as I glared at her.

"Hahaha! Elle you should have learnd your lesson by now. No one ever can steal lesy's food! If you dare to, you'll face the wrath of the food asura!" The male colegue of elle, a male nurse comented.

"Now you've put yourself in trouble again! Haha!"

"You never learn el, now you'll feal the wrath of celeste again."

As I was occupide I missed the most importand news.

"Curently these bodies will be autopsied at the most prestigious hospital of the country"

"The alpha memorial Hospital."

At that moment picture of the bodies of the dead beang put into a transport car.one body being hould up was quite peculiar, as other bodies are thin and bluish pail. His is bluer and is not thin like the other bodies

Through the white cloth you can see that he have firm muscles,wide shoulders, slim waist and a tall figure. The skin revealed  on his hanging arm is bluish purple and his nails are black but slightlh longer than normal males.

The pesonel close the door of the ambulance and quicly drove off.

The destination?

The hopital I  was working.

at that moment I just want to smack myself if I can, if I recounted this in the future as I was still preocupide with listening on elle's friends bullying her,instead of listening to the reporter and the car full of dead bodies.


*I didnt edit this chapter yet as I am so sleepy as it is already 1 in the morning on my side and I almost brokdown when I forgot to save this chapter. Fortunately or un fortunately! I Sped half of the chapter and just created another different half of it, replacing the lost chapter,and it turned out for me to be quite well or maybe Im just too tired

**Hello I'm back and have edited this chapter presently! If there are any errors please tell me so I can fix it! Have a good day and good bye to youall! See you in the next chapter!💕💕❤

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