Epilogue Part 2: Violet Morgan Holmes

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Epilogue Part 2: Violet Morgan Holmes

            Nine months after their Honeymoon, Sherlock and Lilly welcomed into their lives a baby girl whom they named Violet Morgan Holmes.  She was a happy girl and a bit of a fashionista, but she definitely inherited her parents’ smarts.  Notto mention, she was totally a Daddy’s little girl (Sherlock’s reaction to fatherhood shocking everyone who knew him).  Violet went to uni for fashion marketing and when she graduated started her own fashion magazine.  It now happens to be the top selling fashion magazine in the UK and US.

            In uni Violet (Vi) met Elliot Harding at a pub when she went to watch a rugby match.  It turns out they went to the same uni and they went on another date that week.  The two hit it off and began steadily dating after that.  At graduation Elliot proposed to Vi and she accepted.  The two were, however, busy building their careers in the years following this (she with her fashion magazine and he as an architect).  It wasn’t until five years after the initial proposal that the two finally tied the knot. 

            Here is an overview of the pregnancy:

            I looked down at the bit of plastic in my hands more terrified of it than I had been of Moriarty or anything in my entire life.  I couldn’t be…I just couldn’t be…but I was.  I was pregnant.  There was no denying it after five positive tests and two missed periods.  Now I just had to tell Sherlock and, as much as I love him, I highly doubt he’s going to be the warm, excited, father-to-be that most wives have.  I looked up suddenly as I heard the door open and close; well, it was now or never I guess.

            “Hey Sherlock,” I plastered on a semi-fake smile and came out of the bathroom to greet my husband. 

            “Hello Lils,” he responded distractedly and pulled by into an embrace, kissing my cheek.

            “Sherlock…can we talk about something?”

            He shook his head slightly before letting me go and walking into the bedroom.  “Can’t Lils, I’m working on a case; just needed to grab a few things!” he called from the room.

            “Sherlock it’s bloody important!”  Not hearing a response from him, I grabbed his arm as he tried to make his way out the door.  “Sherlock, I’m pregnant.” Sherlock stared into my eyes for a moment and I knew he was trying to tell if I was lying.  As if I would lie to him about anything, let alone this.  Without another word Sherlock left the flat.  Well…I guess that could have gone worse.  I was woken up later that night to Sherlock lying next to me and kissing my forehead gently.

            “Mmm hey babe,” I mumbled and rolled over, closer to him.

            “I was…I was wrong for how I acted earlier,” was all he said.  “I am happy about the pregnancy.  You know that right?”  I nodded and leaned up to press my lips to his before falling asleep once more.

            After that day Sherlock was amazing during the pregnancy.  He doted on my every need and actually began to get excited about the baby.  To my surprise I came home from work one day to find he had put together the entire nursery in John’s old room.  The night my water broke Sherlock literally carried me down the steps to the curb where he hailed a cab to rush me to the hospital.  Not once that night did he leave my side and our family and friends were greeted at eight thirty in the morning with Sherlock bursting into the waiting room happily announcing “It’s a girl!”      

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