Epilogue Part 5 (Final Part): Saundra Leigh Holmes

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Epilogue Part 5 (Final Part): Saundra Leigh Holmes
          Four years after the twins were born, Lilly and Sherlock had their last child, a little girl named Saundra Leigh.  From the very beginning she was a daddy’s girl.  At a young age she would sit either next to him in one of the armchairs or, if she was lucky and he was in a good mood, she was able to sit on his lap and he would explain to her what he was doing.  Everyone said that Saundra was the perfect mix of her parents.  She was intelligent and observant like Sherlock, but had Lilly’s warm, endearing, and bold personality.
          When Saundra was a little older she was even allowed to go out on investigations with her dad and John, but never anywhere dangerous they would go.  She studied biology, chemistry, and psychology in university and after graduating moved into 221B Baker Street which her parents continued to pay rent for even though they had moved into a home on Palace Court near Notting Hill when the twins were born.  For three years after graduating from uni Saundra acted as her father’s partner, as John had done for years before.  Then, when he retired to follow his hobby in beekeeping, she took over the family business and worked as a consulting detective from 221B Baker Street.
          Saundra had been working for five years as a consulting detective on her own when a male model named Finn Gallagher came to her with a peculiar case.  Normally Saundra did not allow her clients to come along with her on investigations, but Finn was different.  Not only was he smart and insistent, but she found herself enjoying his company.  In a way he was like her father, cold and completely clueless when it came to social politeness, but he remained endearing.
Here is a short story of Saundra talking to Lilly about Finn during that first case…
          “Mom, he is so infuriating!” Saundra stormed back and forth in the living room of her childhood home.
          Lilly smiled and shook her head at her daughter’s frustration.  “What exactly does he do that annoys you so much?”
          Saundra threw herself on the couch opposite her mom, crossed her arms, and huffed childishly.  “It’s like he doesn’t even know what other people feel.  But even if he did, I don’t think he would change the things he says, and they can be so hurtful.  Mom, I don’t know how to describe it…he’s like…he’s like and emotionally stunted boy in a man’s body.”
          Lilly put a comforting hand on Saundra’s knee and smiled.  “You like him underneath it all though, don’t you?”  When Saundra responded with a disbelieving eye roll, she continued.  “You know, I knew someone like that once.  It was years ago of course; we were just children.”
          “Yeah, and what happened with that?  I can hardly imagine you just sitting there and taking it from someone like that. So did he get a good smack to the head?”
          “One or two,” Lilly laughed.  “But really I was just patient with him and tried to teach him how to act socially.  I never was able to be too cruel with him though even after years of not seeing each other.”
          “And what happened then?” Saundra was clearly genuinely interested at this point.
          “I married him.”
          In the end they found the man who was trying to scam Finn’s father out of his company and life’s savings and fro that case on Finn worked as Saundra’s partner for every case.  Saundra had taken the conversation with her mother to heart and began going easier of Finn.  She patiently corrected his social behavior, coercing him to be more polite with others and took any insults thrown her way with a grain of salt.  After eighteen months Finn proposed to Saundra and six months after the proposal the two were happily married. 
They raised their three children in the Baker Street flat the two shared.  It was from here Finn and Saundra kept the consulting detective business going for years until their two sons took it over.  Through Saundra’s sons and grandchildren and so on the Holmes consulting detective business continued for generations.

So this is the end of my Sherlock story...it's actually the first story I have actually complete which is a huge personal achievement.  Thank you so much fo those of you who have stuck with me through thick and thin (aka lack of updating).  I won't say this story is perfect or that I love every single word of it, but I am proud of what I've done...well that's enough sentiment from me so I'm gonna end it here.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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