Chapter 7: Surprises Suck

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Chapter 7: Surprises Suck

            Sherlock was a bit confused by Lilly’s outburst, but remained at the table until a little after Irene Adler had paid the check and left.  By the time he reached the street she was out of sight t it didn’t matter; he had observed everything there was to observe already.  She was definitely up to no good, working with Moriarty or not.  Sighing, Sherlock hailed a cab and headed home. 

During the ride, he finally had some time to think of something other than Moriarty and Irene Adler.  He should have been really pleased that he had been able to find so much out today, but something was preventing him.  There was a nagging at the back of his mind that Sherlock attributed to the fight of sorts between him and Lilly.  Pulling out his Blackberry Sherlock texted her:

            Need to talk. I’ll come tomorrow.


Sherlock had been home for quite some time with still no word from Lilly and he was beginning to worry a little bit.  He tried to phone her cell: no answer.  Five minutes later he tried again: no answer.  After another ten minutes had passed with Sherlock’s phone remaining silent, he called the hotel and had the boy at the desk patch him through to Lilly’s room: once again, no answer.

“John!  I can’t get a hold of Lilly.  What should I do?  I have tried texting her and calling both her mobile and hotel room.”

“Is she angry at you?”  John called out from the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth. 

Sherlock thought for a moment before responding, “Yes, I think she may be.”

“Then leave her be for tonight and if she doesn’t answer in the morning we’ll head over to the hotel ourselves.”  The two didn’t speak again after that.  John went to his room to pass out and Sherlock to his to do some research on his laptop. 

            The next morning John woke to Sherlock shaking him awake and calling his name.  “Bloody hell Sherlock, what time is it?”

            “Ten o’clock.  Get up.  Lilly hasn’t answered yet.”  Hearing this, John got quickly out of bed, brushed his teeth, and threw on some clothes.  It was odd, he thought to himself, for Sherlock to be this worked up over another living creature.  His work and experiments, or God forbid his skull, yes, but never another person.  As they were heading out the door, there was a ring.

            Ever so slowly, Sherlock and John turned to the kitchen table to see the pink phone ringing.  Before John knew it, Sherlock had leapt over the sofa and answered the mobile, putting it on speakerphone.  What they heard next caused the two men’s hearts to sink. 


Normal POV

I woke up groggily in an unfamiliar room.  Once my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting I realized that I was in an abandoned warehouse most likely in or around London.  I wondered how long I had been out as I tried to remember what had happened to me.  This was easier said than done seeing as I had a pounding headache.  “Most likely a concussion,” I said to no one in particular.  “So I answered the door and some guy in a ski mask knocked me out by hitting me over the head…”

            “Yes, and then you were brought here for another one of our little, shall we say, experiments.  It’s just unfortunate for you that you’re friends with our dear Sherlock,” came a woman’s voice from somewhere in the shadows.

            “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

            The woman clicked her tongue at this and mockingly continued, “I think I do sweetie since I’m part of the reason you’re here in the first place.”  As she said this, the woman stepped into the light where I could see her plainly.

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