Chapter 2: Typical

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Chapter 2: Typical

               When I thought it would be safe, I surfaced.  John and Sherlock followed suit not long after.   The room was in absolute ruins save for the pool and I could hear police sirens going off faintly in the distance.  Sherlock swam over to me and hugged me close to him.     

               "That was brilliant, Lils," he said. 

               "Did you just admit somebody other than yourself did something brilliant?" John asked in disbelief.

               “Not important now John,” Sherlock said as a grey haired man walked up to us, looking worried.

               “Sherlock, what the bloody hell happened here?” he asked sternly.  I could tell the man was really working at not yelling at Sherlock and John.  “And who is this girl; another victim?”

               Sherlock looked incredibly distracted as he responded.  “She’s not important.”

               “Oh, thanks,” I sarcastically spat.

               The grey haired man extended his hand to mine and smiled kindly. “I am Detective Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard.  I am terribly sorry for what you have been through today and if there is anything I can do to help Miss…”

               “Morgan.  Lilly Morgan,” I finished, shaking his hand.  “and thank you for that Detective Lestrade, it is incredibly kind of you.”

               “Like I said,” Sherlock cut in.  “This isn’t important right now.  What’s important is finding Moriarty.  Jim was very convincing, but I’m not so sure he’s acting alone.”

               “How do you work that one out, Sherlock?” John asked almost exasperated.

               “The envelope we found the phone in.”  When everybody just stared at him in shock, Sherlock elaborated.  “The pink phone found in the safe.  I had said it was sent by a woman…so that means an accomplice.”

               “And how the bloody hell did you work out that a woman sent that envelope?” I asked even though I had no clue what envelope they were talking about.

               “Like I said, not important.  Now Lestrade, it’s been a long day and we won’t be hearing from Moriarty in the near future, so John and I are going back to the flat for some rest.”  Sherlock turned on his heel and strode up to a cab, John Watson following behind.

               “Sherlock Holmes don’t you DARE get in that cab and leave!!” I called after him, but it was no use.  After the cab drove away, I sunk down on a particularly large piece of wall that had landed next to where I was standing.  It was as though the events of the past day all came crashing down on me at once.  Putting my head in my hands I broke down crying, not caring who saw at this point.

               “Umm, Miss Morgan, are you alright?” Lestrade awkwardly asked, coming over to me.  It seemed as though he didn’t know how to approach the situation.         

               “Thank you for everything Director Inspector Lestrade,” I said, sniffing and wiping eyes.  “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, could you get me a ride to my flat?”

               “No trouble at all Miss Morgan.  If you give me a moment to wrap up here, I will personally make sure you get home.”  He went over to an officer with dark curly hair and told her something.  The woman looked over at me and nodded before Lestrade came back over to me.  “Alright now, what’s the address?”

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