Chapter 2 - System?

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The killer and Izuku had a stare off as they both were giving death glares at each other. The killer gave it cause he wants to kill Izuku for the stab in his shoulder. Izuku gave his as he was angry from 2 things the killer getting a victim and how merciless he is. Both of them stared for a while before the killer started to engage.

He did a few fast slashes to Izuku where he dodged them with no issue before Izuku delivered a blow to the chest of the killer. The killer staggered back but in rage he made his slashes get faster and faster after every swing. Izuku was having a few trouble dodging them but couldn't avoid some of it getting some slash marks on him. There weren't deep but it was troublesome.

Izuku waited before the killer tired himself from slashing before Izuku did 2 quick blows to the stomach and face of the killer sending him back. The killer threw his knife to which Izuku sidestepped.

After that both Izuku and the killer engaged in hand to hand combat. The killer did a lot of punches while Izuku blocked them and countered some. The killer dodges most of the counters before he then kicked Izuku in the stomach sending Izuku flying back.

The killer then saw the knife on the ground in front of Izuku before he charged and grabbed it. He then rushed towards Izuku who went wide eyed but maintained focus and rolled away from the downward stab from the killer. He got himself up and used the walls of the building to bounce off and kick the killer in the face.

The killer stumbled back and Izuku saw his knife next to him to which he picked it up. The blood on it reflected to Izuku's face before he brought it in front of him to the killer.

Izuku : *panting* Give up?

??? : HAH NEVER *grins creepily*

The two yet again looked at each other one final time before both of them charged at each other. The killer did a quick stab to Izuku to which he blocked with the blade of his knife. He then swiped it away causing sparks to appear as he parried before he slashed at the killer's chest making a big wound on him. The killer's eyes opened wide before a trickle of blood appeared from his mouth.

He stepped back holding onto the wound of his chest while looking at Izuku. He was panting as the attack is literally making him lose blood and he can't close it easily. He then decided to rush towards Izuku where his knife suddenly glowed a bit in flare. Izuku eyes widened seeing that where he brought the knife in front of him.

However when the killer slashed his knife it cut through Izuku's knife like butter making it shorter but still sharp. The slash hit Izuku across his harms making him wince in pain from the pain of the heat. It was burning like hell for him. He stepped back before grabbing onto one side of his shoulder holding it in pain.

Izuku : 'This is getting harder, he's using his quirk now which seems to be applying heat to his weapon. There's nothing to put it out and I'll have to -wait I know what to do'

Izuku then looked at the killer when he put his hand away from the wound. The killer looked at him in agitation as he was somehow still alive. He then dashed towards Izuku again before Izuku suddenly threw his bag towards the killer.

This caught him by surprise but he used his quirk and slashed through the bag but was met with a stab to the stomach. He coughed up blood before looking down seeing Izuku looking at him with his knife plunged into his stomach. He gritted his teeth as he slowly is losing consciousness but as a last ditch effort he did this.

??? : If I'm going down *panting* YOU'RE COMING WITH ME.

He then activated his quick again and aimed it at Izuku where he did a stab aiming for the head but missed and got Izuku's lungs instead. Izuku spat out a lot of blood before he released his hand of the knife with the killer pulling the knife out of his lungs.

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