Chapter 6 - Hehe This was Tough

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The boss stood high above Izuku as he can only look at it with a smile. He doesn't know why yet he smiles almost as if he was having a death wish.

Izuku : 'Orange name huh? Well it is a boss so its bound to be somewhere the same level as me'

Avidar brought the buster sword above his shoulder as he swings it down towards Izuku. Izuku side steps and start running around the side of the room to avoid as much of his swings as possible. 

The boss kept and kept trying to hit him as he grew more and more frustrated and started to swing more rapidly. He was swinging at a very fast speed that it was troubling for Izuku to even dodge some but he manages.

It grew agitated from Izuku dodging that it suddenly roared very loud and stomped the ground with its foot created a shockwave.

As it did it created a lot of wind pressure around the area forcing Izuku to shield himself but he kept being pushed back from the wind pressure.

As it did it created a lot of wind pressure around the area forcing Izuku to shield himself but he kept being pushed back from the wind pressure

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His foot couldn't hold it anymore as he was suddenly hit with the blunt end of the blade that sends him flying into the wall crashing into it.


Izuku : *groans* Not like I got hit very hard but overall I'm doing ok.

His words were cut off from him saying more as the boss came in front of him raising the buster sword above his head and swing it down fast. 

Izuku dropped down from the wall he was stuck in and dodged to the side letting the blade hit the ground. He then moved more as he tries to punch the boss but only to get pushed back due to his armour.

Izuku : 'No good his armour is preventing me from hurting him anyway.'

Ciel : I suggest trying to find a way to expose any parts of his body.

Izuku : 'That's harder than it looks as he doesn't seem to give me much opening'

Izuku started to continue to do some acrobatics as he dodges the attacks from the boss but he couldn't dodge a kick the boss letting him get kicked back more as his HP drops.

He then looked at the boss as he tries to analyze the attack patterns as he keeps dodging. 

Izuku : '3 swings while I'm not running then he'll do a kick'

As he runs the boss roars as he does a shockwave but Izuku this time was able to block himself from being sent flying.

Izuku : 'Running makes him want to use a shockwave'

The boss then ran up to him bringing the blade over his head as Izuku finally knows what to do.

The boss swung it down as Izuku side stepped it to grab onto the blade of the buster sword only to run up on blunt end when the boss raises its sword.

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