Chapter 3 - Conscious mind

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It was the next day after Izuku made the update for the system. He was still lying in bed in peace as it is a beautiful day outside with the sound of birds singing outside, the flowers blooming in his room and on day like these it was one where he has the most peaceful sleeps ever. Well he was at least until someone barged into his hospital room.


The sound made Izuku jerked awake as he instantly sits up with his face practically panicking before looking at the door. What he see is a girl with bunny ears, 2 twin tails or could it be 4 since she has them wrapped around her carrot which is poking out of it. She was basically looking around the room before she set her eyes on Izuku who was awake. Her eyes widen before she practically ran to him well considering she just hopped from the door onto Izuku.


Izuku : C-can you please g-get off me? I think my bones got broken from that jump you made.

??? : Oh sorry peko *gets off him*

Izuku : * breathes in deeply* Ok thank you

??? : Sorry hope I didn't get under your skin *sweat drops*

Izuku : Nah it's ok and who are you exactly and why are you here?

??? : Eh forgot the person you saved peko?

Izuku : Wait *eyes widen* you're the girl who was being held captive by that killer?

??? : That's me and I just came around here to see if you're fine after all you saved me even though you could've ran to the police peko.

Izuku : I just felt like there was no time and dashed in without thinking.

??? : But that alone saved me peko.

Izuku : Right can I perhaps know your name?

??? : Oh you don't exactly know me peko? *tilts her head in confusion* I'm an idol from a streaming group called Hololive *proud face*

Izuku : Riiiiight I don't know that.

??? : EHHH were you living under a rock?

Izuku : The best way to say it? Yes I have because I don't go on the internet.

??? : Ehh is that even possible how about your parents were they even able to give you a phone?

Izuku : *looks down* My mom is abroad and only sends me money for what I need everyday.

??? : 'Oh no I made him sad' O-oh sorry umm I didn't mean to make you remember that *looking down sadly*

Izuku : It's ok *puts his hand close to the girl* Even if she's not here I can still manage it.

When Izuku brought his hand to her she was confused but was met with a soft sensation on her head. It was rubbing against her head she felt at peace. She was receiving head pats from Izuku and she was enjoying it. She even moved her head in sync with Izuku's hand as her face gained a slight tint in pink color. Izuku seeing that decided to rub her head a bit more before putting it away.

The girl pouted since she enjoyed it but she continued her conversation.

??? : Well I'll tell my name. I'm Usada Pekora and in Hololive I'm part for the third generation of Japan. It's nice to meet you peko.

 It's nice to meet you peko

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