Chapter 5 - Climbing up

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Izuku was standing normally with his hands in his pockets as he looked over to his 3 enemies. They were hunched over like they didn't have food for so long that they were very hungry.

Izuku : ..... Let's do this *dashes*

He dashes toward the Vinombies as they also did to which they used the vines on their arms and lashed out at Izuku growing longer than before. Izuku seeing that dodge to the side before bringing up his fists and hitting the Vinombie with a right hook.

It got launched back before another came in with a quick swing with their arms covered in sharp vines. Izuku ducked under the attack and fell over but used his arms to hold himself along with his legs going up delivering a quick quick to the chin.

It staggered back the Vinombie before it made a cry and started lashing out more attacks along with the other 2 Vinombies. Izuku kept dodging and dodging as they left no opening for him to attack. He just kept dodging up, down, left, right and center as the Vinombies kept trying more and more to hit him.

One of them were able to graze his cheek as little blood was then coming on his wound. He saw that and dashed back to recover a bit.

Izuku : *panting* 'This can prove to be harder than I thought'

Ciel : Well only by themselves they would be easy to pick off but when they group together they can become one that are not easy to conquer.

Izuku : Well *does a stance* Gotta take any opening I can find.

The Vinombies charged again with one of them in front of Izuku readying his attack before Izuku did a kick to the gut of it sending it to one of it's allies knocking him down and stunned. The other Vinombie then came in to attack Izuku before Izuku did a right hook to the face and before he staggered back he grabbed its face and kneed him very hard that you can feel the skin of the Vinombie sinking in deeper. The Vinombie staggered back before Izuku ran and pushed it down before Izuku stepped on his head destroying it.

The head exploded as the body then laid lifeless. Izuku panted as he smiled knowing one of it is now dead.

Ciel : Great job Izuku you leveled up.

Izuku : Well as much as I want to check my stats *looks back* Gotta finish them up first.

He looked back to see the 2 knocked over Vinombies standing up before facing Izuku. They did a cry before charging at Izuku.


We see Izuku just sitting down on a nearby debris as he was sitting down panting from the fight.

Izuku : Ahh that kinda hurt from what they did but.. *looks at a panel*


You gained:

(3x) Dead vines


Yes No


Izuku : *sigh* The item is useless but I guess selling it should probably give me something SELL

Izuku then closed the panel for a bit and was thinking on where else to go from here. It was already a bit over a few minutes before it hit him.

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