Chapter 4 - First Steps

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Izuku : I'll name you........ Ciel.

Ciel : I'll accept the name and by any chance does it mean heaven or sky?

Izuku : Well you did come from heaven and saved me from death *chuckles*

Ciel : It would seem *chuckles* Well are you ready for what is to come with the system?

Izuku : I sure am and when did you suddenly become a bit more expressive in your words.

Ciel : Ever since you named me.

Izuku : *0-0* How does that even work like wut?

Ciel : It's best for you to not know the answer as some should be left unanswered.

Izuku : Well *stretches* It's time for a long week of training in the hospital.

The week went by in a instance as the day goes by with Izuku doing his daily quests and claiming the rewards. He was doing it all first thing in the morning as it was the perfect moment for his body to get used to training. It was tiring for him during the first day as he lacked physical training since when he was young. The only training at the time he does is only parkour and reflect training.

Daily quest

Push ups (100/100)
Sit ups (95/100)
Squats (100/100)
Run (10/10km)

‼️Warning: failure to do the following will result in a penalty quest

This is his progress on the 7th day in the hospital and he was doing pretty well as he added stats to strength and intelligence as he felt like he needed it. He does add a few stat points to vitality and senses since on the 3rd day when he got his random loot box.

🎁 Random loot Box opened:

You gained a key (Dungeon key)


The word "Dungeon" made Izuku pumped up as it would be a test for his power that he trained for a few more days to get the right stats for himself. The reason he is making good choices for the stats as he did see some people one time when he was young play an RPG game of stats. That made Izuku did some analyzing on the stats to realize their purpose and he took that experience into this one.

Izuku : *panting* And that should be done.

⚠️ Alert
You finished the Daily Quest
And the rewards :

1. +3 stat points
2. Status recovery
3. Random loot box


Izuku : Claim reward 1 and 3.

🎁 Random loot Box opened:

You gained a Weapon ( Fighting Gloves )


Izuku : *raises eyebrow* A weapon? And why did it have to be fighting gloves? I thought a sword or a dagger would do the trick.

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