Chapter 1: Flashes of the Future

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Early 2025. Brooklyn, New York. 

Adelaide tossed and turned, her mind filling with images. 

A temple carved with a sculpture on the side of a mountain of a female sorceress. 

Whole other worlds. 

A girl with the power to punch star-shaped holes in the multiverse. 

A mysterious book. 

The glowing red eyes of the Scarlet Witch appeared in her vision, causing her to jolt awake with a scream. The light was on instantly, and a pair of hands, one cold and one warm cradled her face. 

'Hey, hey, hey, look at me. It's okay. Just breathe.' Her eyes came in contact with a pair of blue ones, and her breathing began to slow as she met the eyes of her husband, James. 'Hey, you okay?' She nodded and extricated herself from the bed and stood, walking into the bathroom and splashing her face, then staring into the mirror. She was interrupted from her quiet reverie by a pair of hands slipping around her waist from behind. 'What's going on?' he asked, burying a kiss in her neck. She lifted her hand to the mirror and a ball of white and gold magic appeared in her hand. He looked up. 'Oh.' 

'Yeah, "oh" is right. I've only just got these powers. And I - I have no idea what to do with them.' He placed another kiss on her neck. 

'How come you didn't tell me?' he asked softly. 

'I didn't know how to explain it. And we'd just had Phoenix and everything, and I didn't want to load more onto your plate.' 

'Hey, look at me,' he said, and slowly turned her around to face him. 'You never could load more onto my plate. You are beautiful, strong and capable just the way you are. This doesn't change anything about us as a family or you and me as a couple. In fact, I think this could be a good chance for you. Something new.' She reached up to cup his cheek gently. 

'I love you, James.' He leaned forward, giving her a soft peck on the lips, and then ran his thumb over her lips. 

'I love you, Adelaide.' He lifted her up off the ground, her legs wrapping around him like a koala as he carried her back to the bed, the two of them laying down and snuggling against each other, her head on his chest. Soon after, soft rhythmic breathing filled the room, indicating that Adelaide was asleep. James looked down at his girl, then at the alarm clock. Barely even 4 am. She'd been getting a lot of nightmares after the events with the Flag Smashers and Zemo, and it was making her tired. No wonder she'd fallen asleep so quickly after her nightmare. He shuffled a little, and she shifted in the bed, letting out a sniffle, and snuggled up further next to him as her breathing slowed again. 

Adelaide Barnes' POV 

I woke to hear my phone buzzing on the bedside table. Extricating myself from the grip of my sleeping husband, I slipped a nightgown on for warmth, answering the unknown number. 

'This is Adelaide Barnes speaking, who is this?' 

'It's Doctor Strange. I need you to come in.' 

'Oh, Stephen. Haven't seen you in a while. How are you?' 

'As much as I'd love to chat, we need your help with something.' 

'And as much as I'd love to be saving the world again, I'm a little pressed with a husband and four children.' I looked over to see Bucky rising from the bed, looking over at me. I put my finger to my lips, indicating I would answer his questions soon. Going into the bathroom, I began to set out my clothes for the day's events, and while I was still on the phone, I saw Bucky leave the room, presumably to get the kids ready for school. 

'It's about your sister Wanda,' Stephen said over the line. I tried to keep my composure, but inside I was trembling. What if Westview had happened all over again? 

'Come again?' 

'Adelaide, we think that she might be using magic again.' 

'She set it aside when she left Westview behind. I know because I saw her a couple of weeks ago. My sister wouldn't do anything like that again.' 

'We met a girl who was being pursued by monsters. These monsters had magical runes on them.' 

'That's impossible, Stephen. I don't believe that Wanda would do something like that.' 

'Just meet the girl, please. We really need your help on this one.' 

'Okay. I'll be down in New York in an hour.' I hung up the call and after taking a shower and getting ready for the day, I packed a basic go-bag, with my signature helmet, a few weapons and a small first aid kit, including the Stark tech watch that could summon my suit at will. Then I walked downstairs to see Bucky getting the kids ready for school. 'Hey, babe... can we talk?' I asked. 

'Sure, honey,' he said. 'Just as soon as the kids get on the bus.' We heard the familiar braking sound of the bus, and the kids left. 

'Bye, kids! Have a good day!' Emily wrapped her arms around me and gave me a squeeze. 

'See you, mom,' she said, taking off in the direction of her siblings. 

'See you later, kiddo,' I said, smiling. I placed my go-bag on the table. 

'Alright, what is it?' 

'I have to leave, James. Stephen Strange called. The sorcerer that -' 

'Lives in New York, I know.' He looked down to see the watch on my wrist, and grabbed my wrist, pulling it up so he could look at it. 'Oh. It's time for that watch, isn't it? The suit's under there, isn't it?' 

'Yeah. It's that kind of mission. I'll be back in a couple of days.' 

'Don't go.' 

'He asked for my help. It's about my sister.' 


'No. Wanda.' He sighed. 

'Let them handle it.' 

'I have to answer the call. I made a promise as an Avenger. To be always there for my teammates when they needed me.' He ran a hand through his hair. 

'Only a couple of days?' 

'Only a couple of days. Please, just... don't burn the house down.' He smiled, seeming to relent, and then gave me a soft kiss. 

'I won't. But please, my love, be safe.'

'Safe is my middle name, babe.' He scoffed. 

'We both know it's not. Just come back to me in one piece, please?' 

'I will, моя любовь (my love),' I said softly, planting a gentle kiss on his jaw, and then his nose, cheek and lips. 'I love you.' 

'I love you too, красивая (beautiful),' he said. I moved away, and picked up my go-bag, heading towards the door. 'You're not taking the car or the bike?' 

'Why have either when you can fly?' I said, going outside and extending my wings, the backpack I had on accommodating easily to the wingspan out of my back. Then, I launched myself up into the air and flew away. 

The White Phoenix 12: A Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now