Chapter 8: Illuminati Defeated

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Peggy and Captain Marvel fought Wanda, attacking her from all sides, but the Scarlet Witch was too strong. Levitating a piece of debris with her powers, she sent it flying into Captain Marvel, crushing her against a wall. 


'Take me to the Book of Vishanti so that we can fight her together,' Strange demanded.

'You are in no position to give orders. My vote will conclude these proceedings when they return.' As they spoke, Adelaide made her way down to me.

'You look like me - that's impossible,' Adelaide said.

'I am you,' I replied. 'I take it you too were imprisoned by HYDRA?'

'No. I escaped. You?'

'The Avengers found me. They, and SHIELD, rescued me. Bucky Barnes is my husband. We've got four kids.' Her brows furrowed, then she let out a humourless chuckle.

'That monster is your husband?'

'His name is James, and yes, he is my husband. What did he do to you?'

'He hurt me. Nothing more than a soulless monster, the Winter Soldier was.'

'He isn't like that anymore.'

'Maybe, but you never know with men like him.'

Wanda looked around, hearing nothing for a while. Peggy was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, she turned, only to be blindsided by a vibranium shield. She fell to the ground, the super soldier tumbling after her. The two found their footing.

'Haven't you had enough?' Wanda taunted.

'I could do this all day,' Peggy said. The two took each other on, trading blows until Peggy was knocked back. She threw her shield at Wanda, who caught it with her powers and threw it back. Peggy turned at the last moment as the shield sliced through her midsection with deadly accuracy. She let out a small gasp and collapsed. Just when it seemed that the fight was done, the wall near her burst into yellow flame as Captain Marvel emerged from the wall, taking on the Scarlet Witch.

'Get the hell out of my universe!' she yelled. Then their powers exploded in a burst of light, sending the two of them flying away from each other. Wanda recovered first, using her powers to bring a large statue down on Captain Marvel, crushing her beneath it.

In the chamber...

'They're not coming back,' Stephen said to Mordo. 'And you just cast your vote now to kill your friends.' He turned, then stopped in his tracks, looking back at the sorcerer. 'Not that it ever bothered you before. You know, you hated me where I came from. And I bet, secretly, my brother, you hated me here. You must've been so jealous. You know what? I bet you were thrilled when you heard I'd been corrupted. Hell, you probably gave me the Darkhold to begin with...'

'You know nothing of this universe!' Mordo exclaimed.

'I know that killing Stephen Strange was your ticket to getting the Sanctum... to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme... and to joining your little circus of clowns, the Illuminati.'

'I'm ready...' Mordo exclaimed, drawing a sword from his back as Stephen had his back turned, 'to cast my vote now.'

'No, Karl!' Adelaide shouted, but it was too late. Mordo jumped down on Stephen, and the two fought. Then I delivered a kick to Adelaide, and she flew backwards, rolling upright and glaring at me. 'That's how we're going to play this?' she spat.

'Hell yeah,' I said, taking a defensive stance. Then the two of us charged each other.

Our fights went on for a while, until I knocked Adelaide to the ground again, seeing Stephen pull himself up from a narrow chasm.

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