Chapter 10: The Dreamwalker

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'No?' the other Stephen asked. 'Didn't think so.' Stephen threw a bolt of his magic, in an attempt to lasso the Darkhold and bring it towards him, but the other Stephen caught wind of it and grabbed the book, sending a blast of purple magic back down the line to Stephen. He flew into a piano, sheets of music flying everywhere. He got up, fingers accidentally banging on the piano. Looking around him, he stopped the flying sheets in mid-air and pulled the note symbols from the piano, sending them flying into the other Stephen. They shattered through him with bursts of purple energy one by one, until the Darkhold fell from his belt and to the floor. I attempted to use my magic to bring the Darkhold to me, but the other Stephen noticed and used some of the letters that Stephen had thrown at me and sent them to me. I barrelled into a wall and was promptly knocked to the ground. From where I was on the ground, I watched the two fight. For a while, a large burst of light was held between them, and I saw the other Stephen attempt to grab the Darkhold, but then our Stephen sent a small magic music note towards him, and it shattered the ball of light, causing the dark book of magic spells to fall to the ground. The blast sent the other Stephen out of the window, and he fell several feet, Christine watching in horror as his body hit the spikes on the fence. She came closer to inspect the body, but then, suddenly, the third eye opened on the forehead of the other Stephen Strange, and she screamed in fright, jumping away. 

On Mount Wundagore... 

Wanda magically anchored America to the stone table and began to slowly, painfully strip her of her power as the girl began to levitate. 

Back on the other universe... 

Stephen opened the Darkhold to a page and sat it on the ground. He opened up the chaos magic, and searched through the balls, which all held different universes. He opened up one, seeing America on the other side. 

'Hang on, we're coming,' he said. He closed the balls inside of the book and opened it up to the dreamwalking spell. 

'What are you doing with the Darkhold?' Christine said, walking up to him. 'Are you going to dreamwalk?' 

'It's a little bit more than just dreamwalking.' 

'All you Stranges, you're the same,' Christine retorted bitterly. 

'I know,' Stephen replied, and rose to face her. 'You're right. We are all the same. But right now, that kid needs me. And I can't do any of this without your help. Or yours,' he said, looking at me, as I had since risen from the ground and was now coming over to the two. 

'I'm here, Stephen,' I said. 'What do you need?' 

'While I'm under, I need you two to protect my body... in case they attack me for trespassing.' 

'Who's "they"?' Christine asked. 

'The Souls of the Damned.' All around, he moved multiple candles towards him. I moved my hands around, lighting all of them with my pyrokinesis. 

'Okay... but doesn't a version of you need to live in that universe so you can dreamwalk into them?' Christine asked. Stephen opened one eye, looking at her. 

'Who said they had to be living?'

On Earth-616... 

Lightning cracked all around the roof on where they had buried Defender Strange. Suddenly, a hand burst through the bricks, and then the head. The very dead Defender Strange roared inhumanely. The creature pulled its way out of the bricks and staggered towards the edge of the rooftop, making a portal with the sling ring on its fingers. 

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