Him Again? [24]

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"I truly haven't been avoiding you, my lady. It just so happens that I was able to do paperwork in my study today."

The room looked like your typical Liyue-style study except that he had piles of books below the sides of his desk and that there were a few dried-up ink brushes piled in one corner.

A familiar blanket caught your eye. You were sure that you've seen it before.

Could this be?

You didn't want to say he was a messy person because he usually presented himself in a neat mannerbut some did say to not judge a book by its cover.

You sit across from Xingqiu in the study, trying to hide your embarrassment from the sudden stunt you pulled off a few minutes ago. Nothing about what you did was planned, you just wanted to do the book bit. "Then, how do you explain what happened earlier at Wanmin Restaurant? We locked eyes for a second and suddenly you wanted to leave."

What you did was as embarrassing as the time you called Diluc... "Dad".

You slightly shiver from the mortifying memory.

"Hm? Oh, that was merely a coincidence. I genuinely forgot something. But that reminds me," He stops to fish something out of his pocket. "Here."

"How romantic," You roll your eyes and stubbornly take the item that he handed you. It was something covered in a golden wrap. "A piece of candy."

"It's a special sweet from Inazuma. A captain who's known for going in and out from the closed nation handed me a handful of these this morning."

You made sure to eat it laterbut for now, you had something far more important to discuss with him.

"But going back to the other matter, Lady [Name], I apologize for misleading you. I honestly didn't think you would care either way but still, I should've been more aware of your feelings."

"Okay, first of all, I really don't care. I was just looking for confirmation. Your answer didn't matter," You fake a cough and stood up from your chair, wanting to take a small tour around the room as the conversation continues. "Anyway, that's not the only reason I'm here so, can you spare me more time?"

He follows you with his eyes as you trace the lined-up book spines on his shelf beside the door. "Of course, my lady. I was just about to clean up and leave anyway."

You were sure about how you were going to start your apologybut that was when you were still practicing it in front of the mirror. Now you were not so confident with the situation you are in anymore.

"I've been mean to you for a while now and I'm..." You shift your weight from side to side, trying your hardest not to kick the object nearest to you. "I'm sorry."

"Hm? What was that?"

"Oh my Gods, you're already making me want to take it back." You grumble as you see him hold a chuckle.

You've only seen Xingqiu today after being parted with him for a few days and this was what you were receiving. It seems like he hasn't changed a bit even though you almost gave him a heart attack a few minutes ago by being so close to him.

"I'm afraid I didn't hear you the first time."

Even now, you could still barely figure him out. Sometimes, he can be serious but then he suddenly gets cheeky. You've been meaning to understand him for a while now but you still needed to observe him more to draw a conclusion.

"My main purpose of this visit was to sincerely apologize so I'll say it again, you weak-hearing idiot. I'm sorry."

"I don't think that's a proper apology."

Hydrophobic ¦ Xingqiu x Reader [Genshin Impact] Where stories live. Discover now