Chapter - 23

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Y/n's POV:

I slowly close the bedroom door after Young-il slept and sit in the living room, and turn on the TV to stop thinking about all the things that happened today.

I touch my lips thinking about how Jungkook kissed them.

We're dating.

I squealed as I fell vertically onto the couch. I cover my face in my hands and smile as hard as someone ever can. We're dating.

I sigh and sit back straight, thinking how we're going to manage Jin Oppa. God, I hope they made up so it'll be a bit less easy to convince him. I felt thirsty. Thirsty for alcohol. "Young-il is sleeping anyway so it's fine" I mumbled to myself and walk to the fridge to get two cans of beer with some food. Thank God Jisoo made some food and kept it in the fridge beforehand. "Two cans shouldn't be that bad," I say to myself again and walk towards the couch but stop midways. "Damn! I'm talking too much with myself. Did I finally go crazy?" I say to myself again and resume my steps.

"Drinking alone is the best~"

I complete the first can while watching a random show on Netflix

I was too involved in the show, to realize I completed the second can too.

I walk to the fridge to get two more beers and complete them too. Alcohol isn't kicking enough today.

And like that, 6 cans of beer lay on the table, and finally, I started feeling a little tipsy. This time, I get a bottle of soju.

Jungkook's POV

Second can of beer but damn it isn't kicking yet. I stop drinking and continue to watch the show, but my mind, as always is occupied with Y/n. 'I wonder what she is doing now. Should I... Call her? We're dating anyway so it's not weird if I go to meet her... At 12 am. Right?' I think but "what if's" flooded my mind.

What if I go there and she feels uncomfortable?

What if her girls are there?

What if Jin Hyung is there? He's going to kill me if he finds me there so late at night.

My thought is cut off as my phone rings. I reach for it and smile after taking a look at the caller ID. "She's thinking of me too?" I mumble and answer the call as I lie down on the couch.

"Hewwo?" Y/n speaks in a drunk voice and I chuckle. Damn, I should've just invited her to join me without overthinking.

"Hello?" I reply.

"You're awake?" She speaks in a gentle voice. This girl is too cute when she's sleepy or drunk.

"Mm. You didn't sleep yet?" I ask with a smile and get a no as an answer. She said she was drinking but is too bored to drink alone and asked me to join her. I nod and say I'll be coming but asked her to not drink more till I go there. Pretty sure she drank more than enough already.

I walk out of my home and go to Y/n's floor as soon as possible.

I enter the passcode and open the door and see her completing a can of beer. She looks in my direction and smiles as brightly as possible. I smile at her and she pats on the couch beside her indicating to sit there.

I sit on the couch and softly put my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer. I look at her before speaking, "Didn't I say to not drink till I come?" I say as I chuckle.

She shrugs and throws the empty can on the floor. Then I realize the living room is filled with beers and bottles of soju.

I look at the floor in horror and Y/n chuckles at me. "Hey! Why did you drink so much?" I ask looking at the seven empty beer cans and 2 bottles of soju. Did she drink all that by herself? This girl...

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