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*Artwork is not mine, all credits go to creater

Context: Alex had to go to work leaving Henry at home alone, and as they had just moved in and half their belongings were still in boxes Henry had been left with the job of un packing their belongings.

Alex had finished his work earlier than expected and decided to get some take out and surprise his boyfriend. He put the keys in the door and pulled the handle down, putting his left foot in the door frame pushing it open and closing it with his hand.

"Honey I'm home", Alex called out. Nothing. Alex walked into the kitchen putting the bags with takeout on the island in the middle of the room. He stood there for a second wondering, before registering the music coming from the living room. "Late night watching television-" he stepped closer and closer to the room, and to his surprise, in the middle of the living room wearing a pink wig he found in one of the boxes singing along to "I really like you" was his boyfriend, the prince of England, Henry.

He leaned against the door frame watching him dance and sing, trying not to laugh. "Great moves babe" Alex said when the music slowed down a little, Henry jumped clutching his chest in surprise. He slowly turned around and met Alex's eyes. He quickly snatched the wig from his head and flattened his hair before he said "Hey babe, I- I thought you were at work." Henry said breathless partly from the dancing and partly from the minor heart attack he just had. "when did you get home" Henry says. "oh not that long ago" Alex said still leaning against the door frame.

"How much did you see?" Henry asked the embarrassment clearly visible on his face. Alex stepped into the room "oh not much, just" Alex imitates Henry's dancing, and Henry's face goes red with embarrassment and he hides his face in his hands while making a sighing sound followed by an annoyed moan. "Hey, its not that bad Alex says walking over to Henrys phone to put on a song. "you just need a little practise, which I, your loving boyfriend can provide" he reached his hand out to Henry who was now standing cross armed. "shut up and dance" started blaring from the speakers, and Henry took his boyfriends hand giving it a light squeeze.

Alex dragged him closer to him and held his hands while he sang along to the song "oh don't you dare look back just keep your eyes on me" Henry chuckled and smiled. Henry and Alex split and started dancing their hearts out while laughing. when the song was over they collapsed on the couch covered in plastic. they stared at each other and Alex lifted his pointer finger lazily and slowly brushed away a strand of hair on Henry's face before playing with the curls on the side of his hair.

"I love you, and your dancing" Alex says so quietly one would think he was whispering, Henry laughs burying his face in Alex's chest, Alex laughs with him and kisses the top of his head, with his hands still in Henry's hair. "I love you too" Henry says lifting his face up to his boyfriend and kisses him softly, he pulled away and said "what’s that smell?" Alex sniffed the air and said "oh, I brought Thai from the restaurant down town. "If you weren't already my boyfriend id confess my deep unending love for you right now" Henry said lovingly. " I mean, If you really want to I wouldn't min-" Alex started saying before he was interrupted by Henry's lips on his, Alex feels the warmth from his boyfriends face on his, and feels it spreading through his body, lighting him up with Joy. He smiles and brakes away. "I love you, with all of which my beating heart can give". Henry says in his loving British accent which makes Alex pout like a baby.

Alex hugs his boyfriend tight feeling Henry's cheek on his neck, holding his hand on in his blond curls. "I really don't want to let go but I'm kind of starving" Alex says still hugging Henry tight. "Fine, you have twenty seconds to get back here." Henry says still hugging Alex. Alex pulls away from his embrace and says "what?" "Twenty-" Alex jumps from the couch and runs to the kitchen to get the bags and comes back "eighteen  you need to get the wine from the cupboard" Henry ads, and Alex runs. A loud "FUCK,I  cant find the damn wine glasses" was heard from the kitchen as Henry said the number. "Ten, nine, eight-" Henry yelled as you heard Alex's feet tap back and fourth on the ground. "Five, four-" Alex swerves around the corner hands full of plates and glasses and a bottle of wine. "Three, two, one" Henry yells with his fists raised in the air like he was cheering for him. As Henry said one a pair of lips pressed his own, like a passing of the baton during a race, he used it as a way to signal that the race is over.

"We have a winner" Henry yells follow by Alex running around the room singing, I won, I won, I won. The celebration was short though, as Alex tripped backwards over a box and fell on the ground next to Henry. "Ow." Alex said, Henry just laughs. "Hey, that you're fault" Alex says smiling. "How is it my fault that your can't watch where you step?" Henry laughs. "Because, because it- you. It just is okay" Alex says putting on a fake annoyed face with makes Henry laugh even more. "You idiot" Henry says and kisses his forehead.

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