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Ps: The picture is how I imagined Emily.[its actually lily Rose in vintage chanel]

Henry and Alex are walking together at a political event when Alex sees a girl he used to date who still obsessed with him. He tried to tell Henry but before he could she had already rushed over.
"Alex?" Emily said as If she didn't know it was him "oh my god I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" She said her voice even more high pitched than Henry thougth even possible. She was over on Alex's side hugging him tightly and fiddling with her hair, completely ignoring Henry. Henry just looked at Alex, begging him to take a hint, and he did. Alex took a step away from her toward Henry, not enough for it to seem offensive and enough for her to take her hands off of him and said. "Emily, this is Henry, my boyfriend" Emily smiled a pained smile and reached out her hand, or shall I say fingers to give Henry and brief barley a handshake, handshake. "Pleasure" she said, and Henry could sense the sligth disgust in her voice, but he sucked it up and gave her his on camera smile and said "Pleasures all mine, Emily was it?". "Yes, I'm the daughter of the prime minister in Denmark, but I'm sure Alex here has told you all about that." She said, starting to fiddle with Alex's coat again. Henry felt Alex's body stiffen in discomfort next to him.

Henry was speechless and looked to Alex for any explanation as to why this girl was flirting so aggressively with his boyfriend, but Alex just smiled uncomfortably. So instead he said "He hasn't actually, how do you know each other?" Her eyes said it all, anger and betrayal, but instead she said. " You didn't tell him about us munchkin? That's weird, I thougth you gays were supposed to be like open with eachother. But I guess not all couple are, am I rigth?" she winked at Alex. Henry tried to ignore the fact that she just generelised them, but he was finding less and less reasons to pretend to like her. From the cornor Alex could see Zahra nooding toward him signaling him descretly to come to her, so he excused himself and behind Emily's back Henry gave Alex a death stear telling him " please don't leave me alone with her because im about to push her into her cake stand, and not in the flirty funny way we did." with his eyes. Alex didn't catch it or he just compleatly ignored it, because he said "you'll be fine", and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

when he turns back around Emily had stopped trying to act nice, because she was staring Henry up and down and rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry, i hope i don't sound to presumtious, but do you have a problem with me or something?" Emily laughed sligthly and answered "I though you were supposed to be smart, i honestly don't know what he sees in you." fuck it Henry thougth, if someone came after him a year ago he migth have just brushed it of out on a fake smile and sligthly panick about later in the day. But now, after what he's been through, he simply doesn't care she or anyone else for the matter, had to say about him defending himself.

"I don't see why your in any position to question whether or not I am, and frankly I'm offended you even tried. Can you simply not accept the fact that he's in a happy and healthy relationship with someone else and move on?" She looks unimpressed, folding her arms, the term bitch face could be used to describe her face, but truly it would defy even that. She leaned in closer to Henry, her perfume so strong it made him dizzy tho it smelled marvelous. She was rigth up in his face staring him down when she said. "I admire what you did with him, he's really come out his shell, but I can tell you rigth now, I always get what I want. So either you do the smart thing and break up with him now-."

She paused and moved a few centimeters back and tilted her head. "Or you could stay, and what him fall out of love with you, and fall back into my arms." Henry was grateful for shaan's arms pulling him backwards and away before he cause her permanent damage. What he didn't appreciate was the fact he was now on the floor of a small room pressed up again non other than, you guessed it, Emily.

"Ugh, my dress, it's vintage chanel. It's gonna get wrinkled" Emily shriked I'm Henry's ear. Henry looked at her absolutely mortified. "Are you trying to get us killed?" Henry adjusted his positin so he could lean against the wall of what apeard to be a smal janitors closet. On the walls were shelves stocked with minimal amounts of cleaning supplies, rags and a small vacuum. Henry wonders whether this would be loud enough to drown out the pained sound of Emily trying to convince the guard outside the door to let her out, but he knew it wouldn't. "There's no use, your not getting out anytime soon so you migth as well sit down."

She didn't sit down, in fact she just ajusted her dress and brushed back her hair and said "Don't worry my boo bear will come for me, you'll see." It made Henry physically ill to hear her talk about Alex like that. "You really don't get It, Do you?" Henry said. She didn't listen, or even turn around. Staring into a small makeup mirror pursing her lips. "Were engaged." Henry saw her gaze shift sligthly in the mirror, but other than that there was no reaction. She must not have hear him rigth. "Were getting married, next spring, and I'm sorry but.-" "it dosen't matter" She interupted him. Henry paused. "What?" Henry's sure she said something but he can't seem to understand it. She closed her mirror, and turned around. "It dosen't matter" she repeated.

"it dosen't matter what you do, marry him if you must. Buy a house with a big garden and have two to three kids. Buy him flowers and pastries and gifts from where ever, It dosen't matter. Because at the end of the day, when he goes to bed, it's me he will be dreaming about."
Henry dosen't know what to feel. How can someone be so delusional and ignorant and, and. His mind is racing through emotions trying to figure out what to say next. He feels i brewing in his stomach, he clenches hus teeth and punches his nose and lets out a loud in volentary snicker.

"Excuse me, are you laughing at me?" Emily said the hurt of not "getting through" to him clear in her voice.
"I'm sorry, im so sorr-" but it was to late, he couldn't stop laughing. "Stop it" Emily said while doing a childish stomp, which makes Henry laugh even harder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I just-" Henry tried. "You know what, I'll show you. When those doors open and we get out, you know the first person he will be looking for is me. " She said looking Henry up and down while moving her head from her rigth shoulder back to the center.

"Allrigth then" Henry answers confidenfly. A few minutes later the Security guards on the other side of the door yelled false alarm, opening the doors now." Emily was the first one out saying "Finally, took you long enough" rushing through the door. Henry followed after walking at a shower pace. That's when he saw Alex round the corner, he was panting, he had probably ran to get here. Emily walked towards him "oh thank god your here I was so worried and I-" Alex cut her of "where Is he?" He looked around distressed, it pained Henry to see him like this. "I'm rigth here love" Alex ran to him and kissed him deeply Henry felt the tension in his body. He put a hand on his cheek. "I was so worried, I heard the alarm and then Amy pushed me into a closet. And- and I couldn't, I couldn't get to you." Henry huged him " I know, I know I felt the same." Thougth this response was wasn't exactly oscar worthy, they were exactly what Alex needed to hear.

"Just promise me one thing." Alex looked at him again. "Anything. I mean almost everything, but please, go on." Henry smiles and says "promise you will always tell me how you feel, even if you think I can't take it, because no matter what , I want to know, ok?" Alex stares at him looking worried. "Ye-yeah ofcorse I can... is something wrong why are you asking me this?" Henry laughs " oh its a good story, sure you want to hear it now, I don't want to spoil the surprise ending?" He says as they slowly start walking I Emily's direction. "What surprice ending?" Alex ask stopping nearly rigth in front of Emily. "This" Henry cups Alex's face and kisses him deeply. Emily grunts and sighs and power walks away. Henry pulls back and stares at him." What's that all about?" Alex asked Henry, reffering to the angry stops of one Emily. "Well I suppose I could tell you now... or?" Henry's eyes gesture toward the exit. Alex looks to then back at Henry When he realises what he means. " Prince Henry. You better not be think what i think , think you are. What ever migth the crown say?" Alex said with a terrible British accent. Henry does a face. "Oh come on, I'm getting better." Alex says. "Well.." Henry said in disagreement. "Oh fuck off" Alex responds completely undermining his point by kissing him. "Now let's go home I wanna hear this story." Alex says as they start walking together out of the party.

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