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“Ugh, I really don't want to be here, personal problems day is so boring and quite honestly unnecessary. It’s the same thing every year, people just show up and complain about their perfect lives. like we get it Candice, you have a peanut allergy" Alex says before walking out of the black suv, meeting Henry on the other side of the car. "I can think of a million things we could to do today, listening to Candice's peanut problems are not one of them." Henry jokes back.

Alex walks up to Henry's left side and elbows him in his side pushing him out of balance, Henry stumbles and quickly gathers him self before saying "your going to regret that" and he charges toward Alex who, who starts running a bit to late screeching a light "ahhh" before Henry caught him in his arms  laughing and lifted him over his shoulder and ran into the building. Henry puts Alex down and he straightens his suit. "so how long till the meeting starts?" Alex asks. Henry looks at his watch and says "well, the meeting starts at 9 so, that would be five minutes ago."

Henry starts looking around for someone to tell them were to go but sees no one. "Oh no, the meeting is cancelled, what a shame, it seems we'll just have to go home and-" Alex began while running his hand up and down Henrys chest, until he was interrupted by a strong female voice saying "Ah, Your royal highness, Mr. Diaz there you are, the meeting is right down the hall and to the right" her  posh British accent was rounded like Henry's and her long brown hair tied in a loose ponytail on the back of her head, on a normal day Alex would have found her quite attractive, but right now all he's thinking about is his bed and Henry's naked body on it, and the lack of both.

They walk into the meeting and situates themselves on the short end of the table (reserved for royals). They are about ten minutes into the meting when Henry feels a grip on his lower thigh, fingers wrapping around it and a thumb slowly caressing the front of his knee. He turns to see Alex side eying him, smirking as they make eye contact. Alex slowly takes a sip of his water, while squeezing Henry's thigh keeping eye contact thru it all. He watches as Henry's mouth falls slightly open staring at him. But it only lasts a few seconds as Henry suddenly remember where they are. He closes his mouth and coughs a slight cough to distract himself.

About five minutes later Alex is the one with a hand on his thigh. He freezes against the hand, and feels It slowly gliding upwards. He looks at Henry, but to Henry isn't looking as him, he's looking straight forward with his left  pointer finger and thumb rested on his chin. He's pretending to listen, while Alex is loosing his mind. Alex feels shiver coming down his spine, and is covering his mouth with his hand as to keep himself from saying something he will regret. Alex is so turned on. And even if his face is hidden easily by the palm of his hand, the bulge in his pants is not so easily hide able.

Alex puts his arms in his lap to hide the bulge in his pants, Henry notices and gives a half smile and a slight chuckle. Alex kicks Henry's leg under the table and Henry leans over and whispers " your so adorable when your angry" 

Alex groans inside his mind, and decides to try to pay attention to what was being said. " And you don't want to see what my face looks like after eating peanut butter, it's like a balloon with frost damage and I- " nope nope noo... Alex thought, and looked back at Henry who has a light look of disgust on his face. The conversation goes on and on and Alex feels like he about to explode.

After about 20 minutes of peanut butter related content Alex can't take it anymore, so he decides to mess with Henry. He starts by doing some simple thing he knows Henry likes to see him do. Starting with brushing a hand thru his thick curls, and then brushing his fingers softly against his neck and softly lift his shirt collar. He leans forward onto the table and starts biting lightly on the back of his pen. He notices Henry's eyes on him. And then Henry's Broad hand on his back, making soft circles with his fingertips.

He picks his pen out of his mouth and brings it down to the paper pretending to make notes, letting his hair slowly glide down from behind his ear. He passes the note to Henry who takes his hand of his back to hold the note with both his hands, and watches his reaction as he read the words " your  going to regret that" with a winky face.

He watches Henry freeze at the thought before he coughs lightly and re adjusts his collar like its chocking him. Revealing his Adams apple, its moves out and in as he shallows, and Alex kind of wishes he was a ball of saliva right now. Henry reaches over and grabs the notepad and writes "I think I'm going to take that chance." Henry passes the note over to Alex. And he realises, Henry thinks he can win this. Alex almost laughs out loud, but keeps it inside.

And when Henry picks up his water Alex forms a plan. He puts his hand on Henry's thigh and starts slowly running it up his thigh. He leans in near Henry ear and says softly with a deep voice "You sure about that sweetheart"?. Henry chokes on his water, and raises the attention of everyone at the table.

"Are you alight your highness?" A woman in a black suit and blond hair asks. Henry coughs and says "yeah, yeah I'm fine, thanks." His voice broken and hoarse. "Right, well we wanted to ask you both about something anyway." She says and watches the two of them. "We've been looking at your schedule and we've seen you have not yet made plans for your wedding?" Henry chokes on his water again, and Alex tries his best to hold back a laugh.

After a little while Alex says "well, I don't know- umm, I think - well.-" He coughs hoping it would magically put the words in his mouth. "There are no Plans for that yet, but we'll let everyone know in plenty of time." 

"Right, well anybody got something to ad?" The woman speaks a few seconds later. Met with absolute silence she says. "Right, that seems to be the end then." It's finally over Alex thinks, he stands up and starts to walk of with the rest of the group but Henry grabbed his arm holding him in place. He looked back at Henry still sitting in the chair.

The room was completely empty except for Henry and Alex. "I  think we should go" Alex says and Henry slowly looks up at him with a grin. "Well we could have been out of this building ten minutes ago if it weren't for you." Henry says. "Me?!" Alex yell offended. "Yes Alex, you." Henry  says, and Alex sees it in his eyes. Lust, Hunger, love. He was Horny.

"Now, we're going to go home, and you-" Henry says stopping to stand up and move his face as close as he fiscally could take it. " you are going to pay" Henry smirks and Alex goes red thinking about it. "Let’s go home then" Alex says rushing out of the building followed by Henry.

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