chapter twelve

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I screamed. 

A few moments before, however, I had been enjoying the hot summer afternoon. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky and only the sun shone down upon the earth with warm intent. I had slathered on some sunscreen, put on a bikini, and headed down to the bottom of the yard to lounge in the sun. 

We had built a firepit there, close to the pond, and it was beautiful to enjoy on the summer nights. I had been stretched out on the lounger, with my right hand resting atop Finley's head because he had come out with me to enjoy the lasting rays. 

The twins got home from school and the only reason I knew that was because I heard the backdoor slam open and then two pairs of rushed footsteps racing across the grass--in my direction. I lazily lifted my head. 

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Roman hollered. 

"Not fair!" Julian yelled, "You got a head start!" 

I watched the two of them sprint in my direction. They had their swim trunks on and I tensed up when they neared until they ran past me. Finley sat up with perked ears and watched the twins leap from the dock into the pond. At the sound of their splashes, Finley went running to make sure they were okay. 

It was amusing to watch Finley fret over them. He moved back and forth across the dock, whining, and his tail wagging in an unsure manner. He never looked away from the twins. They called to him but Finley wouldn't jump in for a swim. 

Suddenly, my eyes met Roman's. He had been wrestling with Julian but he shoved him off and started swimming towards the dock. I sat up. He heaved himself onto the dock and started running in my direction. This time I knew what he intended to do. 

That's why I took off screaming. 

I made a dash for the house, my bare feet softly falling against the grass. I definitely thought I was going to fall because I hated being chased and I could practically feel Roman's breath on my neck. He had always been able to run faster than me. 

Finley barked from somewhere behind us. 

I actually made it onto the back porch and into the house before a hand wrapped around my forearm and stopped my flee. "Roman!" I squawked, "No! Stop, put me down!" 

I had already gone for a swim earlier and my hair had just dried out. Soon, the sun would fall behind the mountain and I would be chilled if I had wet hair. I flailed my legs out when Roman wrapped his arms around my shoulders and picked my feet up off the ground. 

I saw Mikeal peek his head out of his office, probably to see what I was fussing about. 

"Mikeal! Help me!" 

He looked over my head at Roman and then he met my eyes. There was a smile in them that he was trying to hide. I knew I was doomed then. 


Roman hauled me back outside. Since I was practically pinned against his chest, I could feel him laughing. He was immensely enjoying this. I managed to get loose once and he caught me again. That's when he hauled me over his shoulder and headed for the pond. Finley jumped around, barking and whining. 

I didn't stand a chance when Julian helped his evil twin.

Roman grasped my ankles while Julian had my shoulders. They carried me like that onto the dock. I held my breath when they swung me once, twice, and then I was airborne. I hit the cool water and it rushed up my nose. Instinctually, I started kicking for the surface and broke with a gasp. 

I heard the twins laughing. They were keeled over, heaving for breath in between their laughter, and then they gave each other a high five. I trod water, but hollered at them, "Ha ha! Very funny, you two!" 

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