chapter twenty-four

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I woke with a headache. 

Maybe it was because I stayed up later than I usually did last night with the guys but I knew that it was because I couldn't stop thinking about what we had witnessed at the Marina. It was driving me insane with questions I couldn't answer and worry that turned my stomach. I dressed and went to find Mikeal. He would know what to do. 

Don't all our older siblings? 

They always figured it out, right? 

I made it downstairs without seeing Mikeal in his room. The living room was still a mess of blankets and pillows strewn everywhere. Finley was sound asleep on the floor. I didn't see any of my other brothers or Ezra's friends. I figured Emerson and Lance would have headed out once they woke but I wasn't sure. Other matters were pressing. 

I headed straight back to Mikeal's office. I didn't even knock as I entered. Relief washed over me when I saw my oldest brother sitting at his desk, working on his laptop. It never occurred to me he could have been on an important business meeting and I was rudely interrupting. Regardless, he looked up and paused his work, and I took my chance. 

"Can I please talk to you?" I asked. 

Mikeal nodded his head, though a crease of worry formed between his eyebrows. "Of course, is something wrong?" 

"No," I blurted and then closed my eyes, organizing my mind. I closed his office door as quietly as possible and walked toward his desk. My hands were clasped in front of me, I twisted my fingers from the nerves I felt. "I mean, yes. I just need to tell you something because it's really bad and I don't know what to do." 

His expression shifted. I took a deep breath and then quietly told him everything that had happened on the kayak trip yesterday. I told him about Sherrif Lawerence, about the money, about the girl we couldn't identify but supposed it could be Soren. I told him that I didn't want to keep a secret but the twins didn't know.

I was about to tell him about what Lance had said when there was a creak of hinges and the office door swung open.

"I knew something was up!" Roman's voice had me spinning around. He just stepped through the office door and I had no doubts he had been standing outside ever since I walked in. He had heard everything. "I knew you were hiding something. I obviously assumed the worse and had to interrogate Ezra's friends but---"

"Were you eavesdropping?" I cut him off. I hadn't even seen him this morning, how did he know I came down here? How had I not known he followed me?

"Damn straight and it's a good fucking thing." 


Mikeal was ignored as I snapped at Roman. "Is that why you've been up in my business lately?" 

"Yeah because I knew you were keeping secrets." 

"That is not what I said!" 

"It is, too! You just told him that you wanted to keep it a secret from--" 

"I don't want anyone to get hurt! You know that! You, of all people, know what secrets can do." 

"Then why were you trying to keep it a secret? Huh?"

"I'm not, I'm telling Mikeal. Ezra knows--" 

"Ezra knows?"

"That's enough," Mikeal cut us off, his voice was authoritative, and he left no room for argument from any of us. "Jordyn, is there more you need to tell me?" 

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