chapter thirty-one

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Mikeal came home late. 

I had forgotten Ezra had said he went to see Rylan. After the incident with Soren, I couldn't seem to focus my thoughts. They kept trailing to what could be happening to her. The dread of waking up and hearing about it. The lack of justice. I could fully blame my mother for the instinct within my heart to help those who needed help, she had always been that way. I was my mother's daughter with every beat of my heart, every breath in my lungs.

Would she have been proud? 

Perhaps not the trouble we find ourselves in these days. I was beginning to realize that the grass might not be greener on the other side of the fence. I had thought that moving away from the city would give us smooth sailing for the rest of our lives, but what place on earth was without conflict? Injustice? Struggle? 

Roots did not grow from sunshine alone. They also grew from the relentless rain. They strengthened against the fierce winds. They deepened from the chill of winter into the very core of our earth, where it was warm and safe. Roots held us, nurtured us, and grew as we did. 

It had been a quarter to eleven when Chase, Issac, and Irene had departed. Irene had not lost the glint in her eyes that told me she wasn't letting the personal investigation go. I had shared a look with Roman and his lips thinned. Julian was oddly quiet. Ezra had not appeared again ever since Irene had pushed him too far and Blake stayed with him. 

The front door didn't open again until almost one. 

Mikeal methodically took off his coat and shoes, not realizing I was sitting in the living room with Finley curled up beside me, until he turned in the direction of his room. Our eyes met through the dark. 

I had a million questions on the tip of my tongue, but I bit them back. 

He blinked first. 

"I'm not going to prison," He said, quietly. He walked into the living room and sat down beside me, on the side that wasn't occupied by a sleeping Finley.

I huffed an unamused laugh. "Well, that's good."

"He apologizes for cornering you at work." 


"Believe it or not, he's on our side. He wants to come over and talk with us. Help you understand his reason for revealing his true identity." 

"You're going to let him?" I remembered how angry he had been on that road, with only the headlights of his car illuminating us. It was recent but seemed so long ago. 

Mikeal sighed. He seemed like he was going to say something but then he didn't and I could feel him take a deep breath. His arm slid around my back and I let my cheek come to rest below his collarbone. It seemed to ground both of us. 

"No secrets, remember?" I grumbled into his chest. "You made us promise. That means you can't break it either." 

"I'm not keeping any secrets from you," His voice was so sincere... but troubled. "That is the last thing I ever want to do. Yes, I was going to keep the part about Rylan away from you guys because I wanted to protect you."

"Everyone who keeps a secret wants to protect someone."

"I know."

I thought about telling him what had happened earlier with Soren. That her dog was now living with us until an unknown time. But something kept me quiet. Perhaps it was the troubled tone of his voice. He might not be keeping secrets but something had gotten to him. I wanted to believe it was the situation with Sheriff Lawerence. Hell, it disturbed me as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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