chapter twenty-nine

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My phone was ringing.

After pushing back my blankets, I hissed through my teeth when my bare feet touched the hardwood floor. I mentally reminded myself that I needed to get some rugs because with the cooler summer nights, fall was on the approach. It was hard to believe that summer was in the final stretch because I felt like the warm season had just begun. 

I tripped over one of Finley's toys that had become strewn across every floor space in the house because we couldn't seem to stop spoiling him. I cursed my sore foot and snatched my phone off the dresser. I must have forgotten to plug it in on the nightstand last night. 

I picked up on its second-to-last ring. 

"Hello?" I answered, groggily. I hadn't even checked the caller id. For all I knew, it was a spam call and I was about to curse them out. 

"Hey! I'm sorry, did I wake you?" 

I stopped rubbing my eye. "Malia?" After a breath, I was wide awake and I went to sit down on the foot of my bed. "I mean, yeah, and I stepped on one of Finley's toys. You owe me for a sore foot now." 

She laughed. "So sorry, I'll just have to buy you lunch next time we're together." 

"You paid last time, it's my turn."

"I thought you just said I owe you." 

"You know money doesn't work like that between us. I just meant it hypothetically." 

"Alright, I understand the girl code," She replied, amused, "Can I make it up to you with an entire tub of ice cream?" 

"Panda paws?" 


I grinned, laying on my back as I stared at the ceiling. "So what's the real reason you woke me up at this ungodly hour?" 

"It's eleven thirty four, Jordyn." 

My eyes snapped to the wallclock I had mounted on the wall next to my snake plant. She was right. "I didn't realize it was that late. I don't normally sleep this long." 

"You're not stressing yourself out too much with school, right?" There was genuine concern in her voice. 

I smiled. "Actually, no. I've made a lot of new friends here and I've been working part-time at a little diner in town." 

"So you're just working yourself to death then? You know I told you to enjoy your life, I'm not hearing any proof that you are having fun." 

"I have been having fun," I rolled my eyes as I spoke, and I was sure she could hear me do it, "I went to a lake party and I went kayaking with Ezra's roommates and I was ice skating in the winter. Our pond freezes over beautifully." I had already told her about our new home and I had texted her pictures within the first few weeks when we had moved out here. She basically knew every detail of the property and the house. 

She hummed. "I'll let you off the hook this time." 

"Will you get to the point of why you called me?" I teased. 

"Yes, yes," She huffed, "I was going to wait until I was settled but I was way too excited to tell you. I got preapproved for a house!" 

I sat up. "Oh my god! Malia, that's incredible! You're going to have a place of your own?" 

"Yes! I can't believe it myself. I mean, I already moved on this house, it came onto the market at the perfect timing. It's on a couple of acres, just outside of town. I think I'm going to get a dog and some ducks" 

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