chapter twenty-six

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An afternoon rain descended upon the green earth. 

I had been woken from my nap when Finley leaped off the couch. He kindly almost took out my spleen with the force of his paw against my abdomen. I hadn't realized that Roman had instigated the whole thing with Finley's ball until I heard claws continually scratching across the floor. I rolled my head to the side and watched Roman and Finley play. 

Finley got progressively more frustrated with Roman when he couldn't get the ball. There's such a thing as not getting the dog worked up because then they're impossible to calm down but Roman didn't care. He was grinning, exchanging the ball between hands. Eventually, he slipped on the smooth hardwood floor and Finley was on top of him with an assault of slober. 

Roman laughed and Finley barked. 

I was smiling without realizing it because all I could think about was the first day I brought Finley home. I wondered what would have happened if I hadn't found him in that alley. Would he still be roaming the streets? Would the SPCA have eventually found him? Some part of me couldn't bear to think about our lives without Finley. 

I must have been daydreaming because someone flicked my forehead. I was startled momentarily before I glared at Roman. 

"Have you slept long enough?" He asked, dropping down onto the sliver of couch that wasn't covered by my legs. 

"Hey!" I squawked, "You almost crushed my legs." 

"Are you always so dramatic? Oh, wait, I've actually just remembered that you're rather cranky right after you wake up. What will it be? Death by tickles?" 

My eyes widened and my knees came up out of reflex to defend myself. "Roman... Roman, stop!" 

He didn't. He had the biggest grin on his face as he pounced on top of me and his fingers immediately tickled my ribs. He was practically straddling me as I laughed and struggled to free myself. I heard Finley somewhere nearby, whining and huffing.

Roman continued to tickle me until I physically could not breathe and my sides were aching. I couldn't even draw in a breath long enough to tell him that he needed to stop before I passed out---not that it had ever happened before. I tried to shove his shoulders and move him off me, but he wouldn't budge. 

For a startling second, I realized I couldn't physically move him. When had he gotten so big and strong? I remember when he was little and I was big enough that I could sit on him for hours. Not that he hadn't repaid the favor when he outgrew me. Now, I realized, Roman was basically a full-grown man. 

Maybe I had started wheezing because he finally relented. He sat back, pinning my legs down, and grinned at me. "Feel better? Or are you still going to try and bite?" 

"Bite," I gasped. 

"Oh, come on, Jordyn," He rolled his eyes, "Laughter is the solution to everything. You just laughed until your face turned purple." 

I narrowed my eyes at him but somehow I was grinning right back. Until I realized that I had to work. "What time is it?" I jolted but he still didn't move. 

He turned his head and glanced at the clock. "Three-thirty, why?" 

"I have to go to work!" 

"Oh, yeah?" He quirked his eyebrow, "How do you propose you're going to get there? I could definitely keep you prisoner all night." 

"Roman, seriously, I have to go to work!" 

He heaved a sigh. "Alright, I guess. Party-pooper." 

He let me up and I practically sprung off the couch, ignoring his comment. It was a miracle my blanket didn't get tangled around my legs. 

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