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Warnings: language

It was finally time for the most important exams of this year, something most students feared.

Obviously, I was one of them. This will define my entire career and I want to do good, the best I can. That's why I am currently in a library at 4 p.m. and not at home, enjoying your free time.

Just as I had assumed, the library was packed with people and there were barely any seats left. So I walk around, looking for a seat, and when I finally find one, I was pleasantly surprised the infamous Kit Connor was sitting there.

Everyone knew him ever since he played a part in that Netflix show. I tried hard to not seem like someone who'd want to take a selfie when I approached him, doing a good job at it, if I do say so myself.

"Hey, it seems like every seat is taken, would you mind if I sat there?" I whisper, pointing to the chair opposite of him. He's quick to shove a few books from the side of the table, telling me he doesn't mind.

We are silent for most of the time, the only sound being the occasional turning of book pages.

I feel some kind of longing towards him, his brown eyes focused on the pages in front of him, his hair in a perfect position, even if he doesn't try to, and his hands, running through his hair from time to time, something I deeply wish to do too.

This was silly. I needed to remind myself that he had fans all over the world who know way more about him than I ever would, that's when I snap out of my trance to the sound of his quiet voice.

"Hey, can I maybe take a look at that book? I couldn't find it on any of the shelves." He points to a book on my left and I simply nod, smiling.

Two hours had pasted since I first entered the library, and I was becoming awfully tired. Some people had left by now, and I tried to get a glance at Kit every now and then.

Suddenly, way too fast for me to notice in the first second, his head hits the table in front of me and my eyes widen. I immediately stand up, rushing around the table to help him somehow.

I splash water on his face and luckily he wakes up, blinking his eyes repeatedly. "Are you okay? Do you want me to call an ambulance?" He shakes his head, wiping the water from his face. "No, I'm fine. I must've fallen asleep. Thank you though." He smiles and starts packing in. "I see that as a sign to go home." He chuckles, looking at me. It's a sight I want to see again and again, for eternity, but sadly he leaves the library.

After what seems like forever, which must've been five minutes, I pack my books in, making my way home to continue my studying there. While sitting down on my bed, I notice one of my books missing.

After quite a while of searching for the book, I finally remember me lending my book to Kit.

Oh shit.

Luckily the exam isn't tomorrow so I have enough time to ask him about the book tomorrow. While getting ready to go to bed, I plan what I could say to him. I don't want to seem like a fool to him, or even worse: a selfish person who doesn't want him to have that book for more than 24 hours.

Sadly, the next day starts too soon for my liking and I try my best to get ready and leave for school without having a nervous breakdown.

Our school is packed with students preparing for their exams, and Kit is most definitely one of them. I can't find him before first period, and the people swarming in the hallway make it impossible for me to find him in the break too.

After third period is when my eyes suddenly meet his brown ones, his lips curled upwards and waving. "Hey, I still have your book from yesterday." He tells me, taking it out of his bag.

"Oh yeah, I was just searching for you. Thank you." I awkwardly smile, taking it. This would be the perfect moment to touch his hands the way they 'accidentally' do in all the books and movies, but he disappears before I even have the chance to say goodbye.

It's when I come home that I notice something sticking out from my book. It's the page I put my bookmark in before giving it to Kit, now on the same page was a blue sticky note.

I let my eyes travel over it, trying to comprehend the meaning behind this.

I think you're pretty cool and pretty and I just wanted to give you my number
(Insert number here)
-Kit (:

Please don't let this be some stupid joke. My phone is in my jeans and I take it out, adding the number to my contacts as fast as humanly possible.

I quickly try to think of something to text and I write the first thing that comes to my mind.

Hey, this is Y/n.
Thank you so much for the compliment, I can only return it tho.

It barely takes a minute for the message to be read and I feel my heartbeat quicken at the small seen. He's typing, something that makes my heartbeat even quicker, I'm down bad for a boy I've talken to twice.

I'm so glad you texted me! Don't thank me tho! Again, thank you for lending me the book. (:

The rest of the night, the both of us text, falling asleep at some point. Luckily, we shared one of our classes the next day, which means I'd get to see him again.

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