First part: The Seduction

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It was past midnight when their peaceful slumber was disrupted by the doorbell. She came in, crying straight into Jennie's arms while the latter immediately guided her to their living room.

"Heejin-ah.. What's wrong?" Jennie asked her cousin softly.

"I-I.. I broke up with my girlfriend," Choi Heejin replied in between her sobs. "Sh-she wa-was chea-ting on me."

"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that." Jennie immediately pulled her to a hug as a sign of comfort. She had no idea how long it has been. But when she heard someone walk downstairs, she knew she has been gone long enough for her wife to notice her absence.

"Jen?" Jisoo called her in a soft, deep voice that never failed to make anyone swoon.

"Yes, honey? Living room." With her eyes half closed, Jisoo waddled into the direction of her wife's voice. Immediately upon seeing the scenarion, her head tilted in wonder.

'What's going on?' Jisoo mouthed as she slowly walked towards them.

Before Jennie could respond, her cousin pulled away to see who just walked in.

"U-uhm.. H-hi, I-I'm sorry if I disturbed your sleep." Heejin wiped her tears to look more presentable, although she was a huge mess at the moment.

"No, no. It's okay. Uhmm.." Jisoo looked at her wife for answers.

"Oh. Chu, this is my cousin, Heejin. Cuz, my wife, Jisoo," Jennie introduced the two. Her wife smiled, although she still looked clueless as to why the woman was here in the middle of the night.

While Heejin was busy drying her tears, Jennie excused herself and Jisoo so they could talk in the kitchen.

"What's going on? What did you to your cousin?" Jisoo asked as soon as they entered the kitchen.

Jennie gave her a look, to which Jisoo responded with an apologetic grin.

"Anyway, my cousin is going through something-"

"Well, obviously.. Tears and all that."

"Kim Jisoo." The woman immediately closed her mouth shut and looked at her wife attentively. She knew better than pushing Jennie after that tone. She does not want to sleep in the guest room again, she just got back into their bedroom.

"As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me, Heejin just found out that her girlfriend was cheating on her." Jisoo's mouth fell into an 'oh'. She felt lucky then because she has never experienced such heartbreak before. Jennie never let it happen. "And, well.. the thing is.."

Seeing her wife looking somewhat hesitant, Jisoo stepped closer and held her hand. "It's okay, Jen. Tell me."

"Well.. My cousin has no where else to go.. So, I-I was thinking.. maybe she can stay here for the mean time?" Jennie asked her shyly. Normally, she runs the entire house. She gets to decide what goes where and everything like that. But she did not want to be an overly-assertive wife and press on Jisoo all the time. She also wanted her to have a voice in their household.

Although, most of the time, she choses not to listen because her wife is childish as hell. One time, when she let Jisoo decorate for once, the entire house became a pokemon village.. literally.

Jisoo chuckled and pulled Jennie into her arms. "You got me worried for a sec.. Of course she can stay here. As long as it won't be bothersome for you."

Jennie hugged her back and smiled into their embrace. "Thank you, honey.. Now let's go back before Heejin gets any funny ideas."

"I like funny ideas."

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