When Your Girlfriend is Jealous

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Jisoo beamed her brightest smile as soon as she posted her birthday greeting for Jennie right on the clock. She felt ecstatic just thinking about her girlfriend's cute gummy smile upon seeing the post. She wanted to squeal, jump around her apartment, maybe annoy Lisa in the other room. However, it was already midnight and the couple did agree on a date tomorrow, so she had to contain her excitement. She wouldn't want to make her dumpling wait now, would she? Nahh..

Jisoo woke up early the next morning to buy fresh flowers for Jennie before picking her up. When she finally arrived in Jennie's apartment, the latter was still in the shower. After all, Jisoo did arrive a little too early, like 40-50 minutes early, but who cares? Even if Jennie took forever to prepare, Jisoo would still wait for her willingly.

While waiting for her girlfriend, Jisoo decided to open her instagram and as soon as she did, a smile was instantly carved in those perfect lips. The poster for Jennie's birthday was the first to show in her feed. However, her smile slowly wavered once she clicked on Jennie's stories. In it, were a series of birthday greetings, along with hers. Now don't get her wrong. Jisoo loves that lots of people admire her girlfriend. It was the endearments she was not pleased about.

Meanwhile, Jennie has just finished dressing up when she spotted her girlfriend frowning, scoffing at her phone, and even mumbling words she couldn't comprehend.

"Chu?" Jennie called, but it seems like Jisoo was too engrossed to hear her.

'This is ridiculous!' Jisoo exclaimed silently. 'Hubby.. Miss you.. Love you?!.*scoff*.. Who does this punk think she is?! Jennie loves me!! Only me!'

"Goddamit!" Jisoo cursed under her breath, but maybe a little louder as it reached Jennie's ears. She flinched upon hearing her girlfriend curse. Jisoo is sweet and she rarely curses, but when she does, just know that she's absolutely pissed.

Jisoo huffed another scoff of annoyance, tightening her grip on the poor, innocent phone.

"Chu, what's wrong?" Jennie finally decided to approach her, but she was only met with Jisoo's furious eyes.

"I don't know, Jen. You tell me." Jisoo held her phone up Jennie's face, showing all those posts she found unacceptable. Jennie immediately felt her heart beat rapidly, cold sweat began to form on her forehead. She cleared her throat to control her increasing nervousness and wrecked her brain for proper words to speak. She was is a pretty bad situation and she knew that one wrong word could mess things up badly.

"Ch-Chu, please, i-it's not what it looks like," Jennie began, her voice weak and shaky.

Jisoo avoided her girlfriend's gaze and looked back at the phone, only to scoff yet again at the unpleasant sight.

"My loves?!" Jisoo exclaimed dramatically, making Jennie flinch. Jisoo finally shut her phone down and slammed it on the table, again, making Jennie flinch.

Jisoo slumped on the couch with her arms crossed and lips pouted. She was clearly mad, but she looked rather cute that Jennie couldn't help herself not to giggle. Uh-oh.

"Oh, you think this is funny, Jen?" Jisoo asked her sharply and Jennie instantly shook her head in response. Jisoo simply rolles her eyes at her before attempting to leave. But Jennie wouldn't just let her girlfriend go like that. She wrapped her arms around Jisoo's waist and held her tightly to not let her escape.

"I'm sorry, chagi," Jennie whispered softly against her neck. Jisoo is really scary when she's mad. Lucky for Jennie, she knew exactly how to coax her girlfriend. Even if Jisoo always says she hates aegyo and stuff like that, that sweet endearment always had some sort of effect on her. It always calmed her down. Jennie found out about it the hard way, but let's not get into that.

"I can assure you, Chu. Those endearments mean nothing at all. I love you," Jennie landed a quick peck on her neck and tightened her embrace. "I'm sorry for making you upset. I love you."

"I hate you," Jisoo replied, but she eventually turned around to return the hug. She was a lot calmer now that she burried her face in Jennie's neck and willingly surrendered in her arms.

Jennie smiled and let themselves enjoy the moment. "You will always be my number one, Chu."

Jennie shivered once she felt the sudden change in Jisoo's aura. Jisoo slowly detangled herself from her and chuckled lowly in obvious sarcasm, or mockery, whatever it is.

"Number one?" Jisoo asked her with a tone, clearly not pleased. She took a deep breath and let out a fake chuckle, before looking up to meet Jennie's nervous stare. "Tell me then, Ruby Jane.. Who the fuck is number two?"

"No-no. That's n-not what I meant, Chu." Jennie tried to grab her girlfriend who kept stepping back, but Jisoo shook her hand away and walked out.

Great. Just Great, Jennie. Everything was going well and you just had to ruin it. You and your stupid mouth! Jennie mentally cursed at herself before running after her girlfriend who just left the driveway.

"Chu," Jennie cautiously called as she entered Jisoo's apartment. The latter just went straight back home after her little tantrum, so Jennie is now there to coo her big baby.

When she realized Jisoo wasn't in her living room nor the kitchen, Jennie walked right into her bedroom where she found Jisoo curled up on her bed. Jennie slowly crawled up next to her and once again, hugged her from the back.

"My big baby," Jennie cooed softly. "I'm really really sorry, please don't be mad at me anymore. I love you so much. Only you."

Being the softy she was, Jisoo turned around once again to face her ever so loving girlfriend. She regrets walking out on Jennie on her own birthday, so was kind of thankful Jennie still came after her.

"I love you, Jendeuk. I'm sorry for walking out on you like that." Jennie gave her another kiss, on her lips, this time, and hugged Jisoo like she was her life source. 'Cause she was. "Are we still going on that date?"

"I just really want to hug you like this for now," Jennie replied lazily. Both girls were getting drowned in each other's arms, and they both loved it very much. For Jennie, it was probably the most meaningful way to spend her birthday.

"Watch Snowdrop with me?" Jennie offered out of the blue. The two has been cuddling in Jisoo's bed for hours now, watching movies, eating random food, and enjoying each other's company. Her birthday was almost perfect. Almost. Until she saw that awful scene she has been dreading for all this time.

 Until she saw that awful scene she has been dreading for all this time

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Jennie's jaw clenched as her eyes focused on the scene with great fury. She was itching to pull them apart and wipe Jisoo's lips clean with hers.

"Great timing," Jisoo whispered under her breath. "Really, really great timing. Why did they have to broadcast that now of all times?"

"Ch-Chagi," Jisoo called her nervously with a forced smile. She understood right away as soon as she saw Jennie's furious eyes. Oh, how the tables have turned.

I just really had to come back here after that scene..kxixhsusbdixbd..

Anyway, here's a short fluff to make up for the previous angst. Have a fun week guys!

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